My name is Pachase or Chasey, My birthday is June 11, 19**I listen to music, I have a panda-squid-shark animal as a pet.
I travel to Jamandairca.. which is Jamaica and Canada also Africa together. I go there to see my long long lost sister pet.. And I don't have a computer I have a screen with keys on this flat surface, Umm I am really random and weird and goofy, smoofy, loofy, Froot Loops.!
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cooz! tell wat u think about it later!
oh i cant wait for this weeken!
cuz im havein a friend over and
i'm getin me hair redone and a new cut!
i should have new picz up to ^^
lol hbu?
u doin anythin this weeken??
and im not sure on the last one
wat did u get?