

I'm not an admin or a mod.

I don't live in my pixel house, or eat the pixel food, or use the Little Pixel's Room.

I STILL know Reinhart, Clyde and Mitsukake, and I'll always remember them from the old days.

I buy the latest MCs at 18k, even though I know that they will probably drop to 7k in a few weeks.

I have no prime minister and no president, but the team that leads us all is a good one, and I say HAIL to the two-year-and-seven-month-old bowl of soup from their fridge that has gained sentience.

I believe in integrity, not lying for attention; individuality, not imitation.

I believe that the internet is truly serious business, although no one cares anyway.

I believe everyone deserves a chance, but whiny little beggars who are nothing but parasites can kiss my [GAIAN EDIT].

I ate Charlie's kidney. Last night. For no good reason.

I can proudly be Sephiroth, a Galbadian soldier, a forest assassin, or a fish-man hybrid, and laugh over it.

I hoard items for charitable purposes, but not gold.

I have a wireless 2WIRE modem working a laptop that will probably croak before my next birthday.

I have never seen Death Note, and I do not care for Inuyasha or Naruto.

I know that someday retribution will come back and n** me in the tail bone, but life goes on until it does.

I speak English, Chinese, Singlish, and my French sucks, but I practice accents just so I can make people laugh.

I haven't donated once, but save up for what I want, and I believe that should entitle my right to KEEP what I bought instead of handing it out to some washout that claims he deserves it more.

I have gold a plenty, but it will not benefit my college funds.
I hoard and watch prices, believing that someday, I'll get a profit.

I believe the rock puppy is a truly proud and noble animal.
I approve Mochi the Puppy, just to turn around and resuming stomping on MoMo the Monkey.

I believe something should be done about self-imposed hierarchy, but that someone else should do it.

I believe that Ron Bruise is a @^$% eunuch, the Weekly Comic is redundant, and "admin" has a great avatar.

I have a love-hate relationship with the MP's inflation rates, especially when my wallet begs me for mercy.

A Zombie is a zombie, a Grombie is another Zombie, and it is a Zurg, not an Alien. ZURG!

A talking cat runs our city's finest boutique, and his owner is AWOL.

We spent almost a year over an Extraterrestrial Race that was absolutely pointless, but we sucked it up anyway.

Gaia Online shows up in ad banners for Myspace, VGcats, Photobucket, and several other sites I probably overlooked.

My username is Flypipe Rogancryd.


Thank you, everyone. Please enjoy the pixel beer you probably can't drink anyway.

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Say hello to my wife and kids (( owned by my buddy Leo Akahara ))!
Who LOVES ya, my babies???? <3

(C) Original override by MissTao (ref. Squall Leonhart profile theme)
Thanks to Kahime's CSS Profile Codes Tutorial for avatar replacing help.


Viewing 12 of 89 friends


My Life in Condensation

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This was good one time when backward kneeling first came out...



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/26/2009 4:58 am


its been awhile, Flypipe! :3
... i think.... 2 years? XDDDDD

thanks for everything...

and by the way, Happy Birthday. :3

take care always!!!


Report | 03/05/2009 6:41 pm


Hey, just wanted to let you know that i haven't forgot about ya, how are ya?

Report | 12/15/2008 12:02 pm


hilo =D
Leo Akahara

Report | 06/27/2008 12:10 am

Leo Akahara

The talk with the n00bs, you say?


It went very well, I must evince. *wipes a bit of blood free from the end of Longinus*

...I want another giant tuning fork.
The Paid Assassin

Report | 06/22/2008 7:01 pm

The Paid Assassin

Your avatar picture is pure gold. XDDDD

Report | 06/19/2008 10:19 am


Thanks a ton i beat him with out getting the magik pot. i plan on getting it before ending the game cause i know i need it for the final mission but just saying thanks alot your always a ton of help.

Report | 06/07/2008 4:01 pm


hey im having some trouble with a few missions instead of bombing the thread with it any more i thought id ask you. if you can help if so let me know.
Cherubim Aurora

Report | 06/03/2008 2:33 pm

Cherubim Aurora

Hurray. Your totally right. The answer is a MUSHROOM! YAY!
Cherubim Aurora

Report | 06/03/2008 5:02 am

Cherubim Aurora

Which room has no door, no windows, no floor and no roof?
The one that never was

Report | 06/02/2008 5:40 pm

The one that never was



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