
    It's been a fun run with all of you. My laptop died a year ago and I've just gotten it fixed, however, I'm starting college soon and I simply do not have time for Gaia anymore sweatdrop I wish you all the best of luck! If you'd like you can follow me on tumblr.

General Information

Name: Anna
Gender: Female ♀
Age: 18
Body Type: Short and Slim. I'm built like my Aunts x)
Quotes: I really love them c: if you want to share any feel free to drop one in the comments section.
What I wanna do when I grow up: Definitely something medical. I take a particular interest in gastroenterology and parasites.

deviantART: ~FrenchBananaHorn My old Gaian username was FrenchBananaHorn, but I changed it.


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Place for Life & Gaia Life Updates.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/22/2014 5:24 pm


Yea actually I think you can.
My mom's "family dr." is actally a nurse practitioner.
I think they can actually do just about everything a dr can.
You are very welcome <3

Report | 03/22/2014 5:03 pm


Oh that is wonderful!~
Who knows maybe you will enjoy nursing and wanna continue on to be a doctor <3
I wish you all the best on your journey <3
Thank you very kindly <3

Report | 03/22/2014 4:36 pm


Oh wow yeah you missed quite a bit since then.
Congrats on college!~
I do hope you enjoy the experience and learn as much as you can.
Nursing is a wonderful field to go into.
Wow yes that was a pretty big difference!
I am so glad you got the opportunity to make someone happy!
I very much appreciate the donation <3<3

Report | 03/22/2014 4:35 pm


oh my goodness, that you so very much! i’m sorry to see another gaian leave, but i understand gaia is no longer the the same place it was a few years ago. good luck in your future endeavors!

Report | 03/22/2014 4:30 pm


Thank you so very much!~
I am sorry to hear that you are quitting though
One less person I will have the opportunity to get to know
Valen Alistar Delacroix

Report | 12/24/2012 4:13 am

Valen Alistar Delacroix

So umm hey message me the next time you are on
sand and scars

Report | 09/29/2011 3:52 am

sand and scars

well have you ( french horn right?) a tenor sax and an alto sax ( who also sorta plays trumpet) a uckele and a bass XD
sand and scars

Report | 09/28/2011 3:33 pm

sand and scars

my director is screwing over my friends, me and there people in the band for his own agenda and im not okay with it. brassy we should just start our own band! lol
sand and scars

Report | 09/15/2011 4:55 pm

sand and scars

that how my director hs become andit realy sucs he's also very rude and im thinking about quiting cause i just dont enjoy music like used to.
sand and scars

Report | 08/25/2011 5:48 pm

sand and scars

are you still a member of your martching band?


I'm joined Gaia in middle school, quit in high school, and now I'm in graduate school and super confused.