OK so I can safely say I'm quite a bit smarter now than I was when I wrote that last 'About me' statement and see the error of my ways. Yeah, it was stupid but hey just a brain fart really *shrug*
I'm just a person really, always looking for something new and I'll try to try everything at least once, though I've eaten my words on that saying more than once. (One time actually eating scrabble letters, they do NOT digest well I warn XP)
If you're ever live chatting with me, i.e. slots, IM, fishing, ext., and odd things start typing in the middle. That's cats, they're think you are fascinating and say hello X3
I'm also always looking for a new person to play around with in a good RP!
storm_chaser53's Journal
OMG! 7l-l1$ !2 73 4//20l/l3!!1
i speak L337, don't speak it here >.>
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