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About Mittens

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Ohaio!! Name's Sarah, but call me sai, and i'm.... well i'm not little any more that's for sure. i'm an age and proud of it!!!


Hi. I'm sai, and i LOVE art and music, however i love to rp even more. the only down side is that i'm very picky about those i rp with, but that's just how i am. when hyper i'm random and energetic, not to mention a tad weird.

My favorite color is blue and i love all animals. dogs and cats included i have at least some of each. I love watching/reading naruto, but i love rping nartuo even more. my favorits are the akatsuki, Deidara being the best of all of them, sorry but i AM a girl, yes? I am also a proud card carrying member if the 'We hate Sakura Club' the 'Sasuke is gay and we hate him too just look at his hair it's shapped like a ducks butt though others would argue it's shapped like a cockatoo's head but we prefer ducks butt Club' and the 'Deidara is a f*$#~&$ guy so shut the f*$# up with your Deidara is a f*$#~&$ girl bull S^@& club' as well. as you can see i'm very active in being a part of the 'comunity' *smiles* so don't mess with DeiDei-chan and such and we'll be on good terms, yes?

I'm female, and pansexual. i have a wonderful girlfriend who i'd do ANYTHING for. she's amazing and the best. >.> for those who are wondering? yes. i DO hope to marry her some day.

One thing that you should know about me is that i love my dogs, i love my cats, I love my rabbit, i love the dog shows i work, and i LOVE ballet. been dancing since i was five, and been on pointe' since my twelth birthday. I love to dance and i love animals and children. i teach church kids all under the age of seven. i teach sunday school and Cubbies. so wendesdays and sundays are busy for me however i'm almost always on. I'm a bit of an insomniac.

some other things to know about me is that i AM in support of all same gender everything. Bi's Gay's Lez, i don't care. i do support them actuallly i'm one of five ppl i know that's actually strait out of thirty or fourty or so. anyways i'm in lots of threads and guilds so i keep pretty busy. however feel free to shoot me a message or anything really i should be around.

anyways if you need to know anything else about me or my life me i LOVE making new friends ^-^

One more thing too............



SaiANBUAkatsukiHealerGirl's avatar

Last Login: 12/07/2022 8:24 am

Registered: 06/05/2008

Gender: Female

Location: Butte Montana

Birthday: 11/10/1990


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-Death-I-Reaper-I-Aku- on 11/10/2022
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DARK NEBULA7 on 08/02/2020


[b:b89030e8bb]ANYONE WHO DOESN'T WANT ELEGANT MINT RUFFLES PM ME!!![/size:b89030e8bb][/color:b89030e8bb]
quote me for fast replies[/color:b89030e8bb]
No matter what it's still love........
[u:b89030e8bb]♀ + ♂ = ♥[/u:b89030e8bb]
♀ + ♀ = ♥
♂ + ♂ = ♥[/color:b89030e8bb]
I am demisexual and proud.[/color:b89030e8bb][/align:b89030e8bb][/b:b89030e8bb]


View All Comments

amorremanet Report | 03/03/2022 12:22 am
Love your avi! heart
DARK NEBULA7 Report | 07/18/2020 11:53 pm
This is true. It's super nice to see you though. I come on here every once in a while, but never more than a few minutes. It'd be lovely to talk to you outside of here though. Let me know if you'd like to get in contact elsewhere heart
MoopyKi Report | 07/11/2017 2:23 am
Hey hey!
Aura_Uzumaki Report | 10/21/2015 11:49 am
You don't know it, but I still love you more than life itself. Pretending I'm fine everyday is killing me and I wish I could see you and hear your voice more than once every few months...
But you'll never see this, because you don't seem to get on Gaia anymore. Or any other site really to be honest...
DARK NEBULA7 Report | 02/19/2014 8:18 pm
Hey Saiiii, remember me? Looks like we both took a big gaia break, but it seems that yours has been longer than mine. Miss you tons, dear heart
mermaid_goth Report | 11/25/2013 12:28 am
Your avi is very colorful, I emotion_bigheart it. emotion_awesome
Shadow King Kyouya Report | 11/10/2013 6:16 am
Shadow King Kyouya

Happy Birthday Miss.
We may not converse on a regular basis like we did years ago, but I would like to greet you all the same. My thoughts are for your late-twin too. Yes, I haven't forgotten.
I do hope you are doing well. And likewise, I wish all the best for you.

Ootori Kyouya
LotusCurtiss Report | 08/29/2013 12:04 pm
Hello SaiANBUAkatsukiHealerGirl,

This is Lotus Curtiss, Vice Captain of Jade's Roleplaying Community Guild. You are invited to join in on the Remake of Heaven and Hell RP! So when you get the chance too, head over and create a profile, there is a need for Master's and Slave's.

Lotus Curtiss
LotusCurtiss Report | 08/18/2013 11:34 am
Hello SaiANBUAkatsukiHealerGirl,

This is Lotus Curtiss, Vice Captain of Jade's Roleplaying Community Guild. You are invited to join in on the Remake of Heaven and Hell RP! So when you get the chance too, head over and create a profile, there is a need for Master's and Slave's.

Lotus Curtiss
Silent Moan Report | 11/20/2012 2:39 am
Silent Moan
Hey would you like to add me? Im leaving the rp, apparently the owner gets mad at you for unspoken rules. So Im going to make my own clear cut rp in a few days, because I am not going to deal with that stupidity

"art is the
music corcing
through ones
vains. it can
die, and it
will, when the
blood runs
cold and stops."

Art dies;

I believe>>>v

I love ballet, it's practicaly my life

its what i do

I'm a ballet dancer through
and through. you have a
problem with that? deal with
it and leave me be.

I'm going on a short Gaia break while my little sister is around i SHOULD be back to normal not long after christmas and chances are i WILL make a post from time to time in between, but i don't really get to see her and it's been almost a YEAR since i last saw her, and when you're as close to your sibling as i am, then you quickly learn that moments like these are of GREAT importance to spend with the other. so i'm spending the time with her that i can, to top it off my interwebs is acting up so it makes it hard to post. it is currently 2:53 in the morning on November 9th 2011. i WILL be back to my average self not long after January 3rd 2012. so i'm not GONE but i'm not entirely HERE like i have been in the past, i'm sorry dears. i'll be back asap i promise <3

My friend sent this to me over skype and i HAD to post it; Here is what Jeff Foxworthy has to say about Montana... If your local Dairy Queen is closed from September through May, you may live in Montana. If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don't even work there, you may live in Montana. If you've worn shorts and a jacket at the same time, you may live in Montana. If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation ...... with someone ...... who dialed a wrong number, you may live in Montana. If "vacation" means going anywhere south of Missoula for the weekend, you may live in Montana. If you measure distance in hours, you may live in Montana. If you know several people who have hit a deer more than once, you may live in Montana. If you have switched from 'heat' to 'A/C' in the same day and back again, you may live in Montana. If you can drive 75 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching, you may live in Montana. If you install security lights on your house and garage, but leave both doors unlocked, you may live in Montana. If you carry jumpers in your car and your wife knows how to use them, you may live in Montana. If you design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit, you may live in Montana. If driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow, you may live in Montana. If you know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter and road construction, you may live in Montana. If you have more miles on your snow blower than your car, you may live in Montana. If you find 10 degrees "a little chilly", you may live in Montana. If you actually understand these jokes, repost this. it's funny bc it's all true. as i read this i found myself not only understanding these jokes, but also agreeing, knowing, and relating to every single one. XDDD Montana pride!!!! X3