I Enma Ai I

I Enma Ai I's avatar

Location: Realm Of Perpetual Twilight

Birthday: 05/15

Occupation: Hell Girl

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Hotline To Hell

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Those On Hell Correspondence

Beyond Eternal on 09/11/2023
Blackest Passions on 12/07/2019

This Is vangance so im to farrie you to hell

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O Pitiful shadow lost in darkness,

Bringing torment and pain to others,

O damn soul wallowing in your sin,

Perhabs it is time to die.

Death Lullabys

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

Hell Correspondence

Your Bitterness...

Ai Enma

I am the primary protagonist of the series. I am arguably an anti-heroine as well. With long, straight black hair and ruby-red eyes and pale skin, I am a spiritual entity with a tragic past, who lives in a place frozen in time as it basks in eternal sunset, along with my Oba-chan (grandmother). Through an old computer inside our house, I am able to receive the names the clients have typed on the website, and I deliver this revenge. I normally wear a black seifuku, or sailor uniform, but I always wear a kimono with floral designs when delivering the vengeance of a client. I started my career as the Hell Girl by my own act of vengeance on the villagers who sentenced me to a sacrificial death as part of our village's tradition. My eyes, once a deep brown, turned red arguably at the point where Sentarou (my childhood friend and cousin who gave in under the villagers' pressure to bury me alive) gave the first shovel of soil onto my face. I broke out of my grave after a while, and took revenge on the entire village with my wrath, burning it to the ground. My task of fulfilling other people's vengeance and ferrying people to Hell is my punishment, a task which I had performed for 400 years after that incident. The Lord of Hell who gave me new life to exact others' grievances, made a pact with me; in exchange for my immortal form, I cannot enter hell and must remain on the shores of Hell, acting as the deliverer of people's hatred and vengeance. In order to serve these tasks, the Lord of Hell demanded that I forget my own hatred, numbing myself to the sufferings of others and becoming a mere observer of any happenings. If I hadn't this punishment, the souls of my beloved ones would have to forever wander in hell, lost for eternity. Having no other choice, I agreed with the Lord of Hell and became the Hell Girl.

Although this task is presented as atonement, it is unknown whether I will ever be freed of this insanity. I still had feelings, though, although I did not express them strongly, and I had been ordered to close my heart by the Spider. But the experiences I have with the Shibatas reawakened my discontent with my terrible fate and later apparently reawakened other emotions, or at least my ability to express them. When enraged, I demonstrates the ability to hurl great blasts of energy, as well as the power to create elaborate illusions and teleport. I also have the ability to show someone the future of a grudge, as I showed Yuzuki in the end.

In the latter, I became more expressive and showed more emotions, being more willing to interact with my "clients" and victims. I even put up a "V for Victory" sign in front of my target by way of mocking them as they are dragged to their doom. I had also been seen reading from a fashion magazine while my compatriots watch over their client, and had showed concern towards a mother who willingly ended her life so that her daughter doesn't have to send her to Hell. As I witnessed Takuma Kurebayashi's disheartening persecution, I recollected my emotions pertaining to my own wrongful persecution and I defied my 'employer', the Lord of Hell, and became restored to human life, and killed shortly thereafter, when saving Takuma from his tormentors. After my self-sacrifice, my body dissolves into sakura petals and drifted into the sky.

By then, I returned. I transported to another girl, Yuzuki, to a strange illusion and dream state, where I possessed her. Eventually, my body is later released during The Six-script Lantern ceremony in my town in which the gate to hell is temporarily open allowing me to be released from her body. I eventually revealed to Yuzuki that she is destined to become my successor. I disappeared without a word after Yuzuki became Hell Girl. I returned however, to take the role of Hell Girl once again in order to spare Yuzuki from being sent to hell.

Hell Correspondence

The medium through which a client contacts I had changed over the centuries. Initially clients would write the names of that whom they hated in a three-column newspaper advertisement. After which, clients could enter names into a BBS that was programmed in BASIC. When the internet became available, people access the a website known as the "Hell Correspondence" or the "Hotline to Hell". Soon after, the site was adapted into a mobile version that could be accessed from cell phones.

Each medium can only be used at midnight by one who harbors a desire for revenge against their object of hatred. Should someone submit the name of someone against whom they bear a grudge or immense hatred, I will take them to a realm of perpetual twilight where I offer them a straw doll, one of my companions, with a red string wound around its neck and describe to the client the details of their contract; should the client pull the string that is tied around the doll's neck, I will ferry the target of the revenge straightaway to Hell. However, once the client's life has ended, he or she will too go Hell; a black crest-shaped mark appears on the client's chest to serve as a permanent reminder of this and their decision to send someone to Hell.

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I Will Dispell...

You summoned me?

View All Comments

I_Leon S Kennedy_l Report | 01/13/2013 6:47 pm
I_Leon S Kennedy_l
Hey there stranger.
Names Leon,
Leon S Kennedy.
So your a friend of Sadie(eternal)?
She said you may be able to help,if you're not booked in requests from clients.
Im sure she already filled in the details.
Where do we go from here?
EternaI Dream Report | 01/13/2013 6:41 pm
EternaI Dream
Nice to see you as well old friend,
However,Leon and I our in need of your assistance....Ai....
We need you to send out your servants, Ren ,Hone Onna,and wanyudo as spys.
Since Leon and I cant been seen at all (reason being the message i sent)
Can you help us..Ai?
Ichimoku Ren_Hell Report | 05/15/2011 5:59 am
Ichimoku Ren_Hell
Hey there, mistress.
I came here to say Happy Birthday!
I wish you all the best.
Ichimoku Ren_Hell Report | 04/12/2011 9:26 pm
Ichimoku Ren_Hell
What has happened to the Human World?
Where are all the justice?
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Hello mistress. =)
Long time no see, and it's been a long time since I touched this account, but oh well.
I've been missing the old days as well. Good luck in contacting the rest. =)
Also, I am well, thanks.
How are you?

I cannot just sit there and watch humans commit the same sins again,
I have to try my best to stop them!

hiyo kinomono Report | 10/31/2010 3:10 am
hiyo kinomono
hi ai wats up ^^ wanna share cherries with me ^^User Image
Ichimoku Ren_Hell Report | 09/23/2010 11:52 pm
Ichimoku Ren_Hell
What has happened to the Human World?
Where are all the justice?
User Image

I see. -Nods-
I understand. -Smiles-
Gaia used to be very boring for me, but now I think it gets more interesting once I had more new friends.

I cannot just sit there and watch humans commit the same sins again,
I have to try my best to stop them!

Ichimoku Ren_Hell Report | 08/20/2010 6:23 pm
Ichimoku Ren_Hell
What has happened to the Human World?
Where are all the justice?
User Image

I won in the end.
And his master Alois promised not to bother young master for at least a week. -Smiles-

I cannot just sit there and watch humans commit the same sins again,
I have to try my best to stop them!

Ichimoku Ren_Hell Report | 08/19/2010 7:59 pm
Ichimoku Ren_Hell
What has happened to the Human World?
Where are all the justice?
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I met Claude and fought with him as well. -Smiles-

I cannot just sit there and watch humans commit the same sins again,
I have to try my best to stop them!

Ichimoku Ren_Hell Report | 08/17/2010 11:42 pm
Ichimoku Ren_Hell
What has happened to the Human World?
Where are all the justice?
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I missed you too, mistress.
It's been a long time.

I cannot just sit there and watch humans commit the same sins again,
I have to try my best to stop them!

Ichimoku Ren_Hell Report | 07/10/2010 5:51 pm
Ichimoku Ren_Hell
What has happened to the Human World?
Where are all the justice?
User Image

It's alright, mistress =)
I almost forgotten about it due to other matters as well. sweatdrop
But I missed you =) -Hugs-

I cannot just sit there and watch humans commit the same sins again,
I have to try my best to stop them!

I Enma Ai I
Ichimoku Ren_Hell
x-X Kikuri Chan X-x
Wanyudo Hell




