Thalion Aegawaen

Thalion Aegawaen's avatar

Last Login: 12/14/2010 2:57 pm

Registered: 06/07/2008

Gender: Male

Birthday: 07/22


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This is MY STUFF. . .

Name: Curtis Murphy
Age: 20
Month of Birth: 7
Day of Birth: 23

Interesting factoid:
Who's the sexiest man alive? CURTIS MURPHY'S GIMP LEG!!!!!!!

Copyrighted: 1988. (That's the year I was born foo'!)

My life is pending on the lives of everyone around me. I drift among the emotions of my fellowman; never intending to become, but nevertheless becoming. Dancing between reality and spirituality has overtaken my life, and I can never go back.

I'm tired of finishing sentences and thoughts, tired of knowing, tired of thinking.

So very tired. . .

This is my word. . .

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The Word of Aegawaen

For all you who have read my writing before, what you see in this journal should not be a surprise. Generally anything you read here with be delightfully vague, although typically deep within the realm of my thought. Read with care. . .

This is what the people say. . .

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Bellezza Impavida Report | 06/25/2009 12:24 pm
Where haves you been, Curtish?
Bellezza Impavida Report | 02/11/2009 10:12 am

Yay gold. ^^
BellezzaIncantata Report | 01/18/2009 10:11 am
Hulloooooo friend!
Bellezza Impavida Report | 01/04/2009 5:38 pm
I dunno. It just doesn't call to me. The character does (I researched a little XD), but not so much the name. I dunno, I'll mull it over.

But Ewie? Do I honestly want to nickname my badass jedi jeep something that looks and sounds so much like the term for female sheep?
ThisUnitHasASoul Report | 01/02/2009 10:07 am
Whoah, Curtis. Hardcore hot avi. You make me swoon.
Bellezza Impavida Report | 11/24/2008 10:31 pm
*sigh* hang on, hasta download somethin...
Bellezza Impavida Report | 10/23/2008 10:53 am
*nods* yes, the bird is pretty badass. The hat, too.
ThisUnitHasASoul Report | 08/10/2008 7:15 pm
Well, I guess I'll have to retaliate Vampire style...


Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

This is my signature, artwork courtesy of Noah Strife. Look him up.

Those stronger have broken me down. I see my family slaughtered before my eyes, and as I embrace my dying mother, I am bathed in her precious blood. Stained in innocent blood.

Bellezza Impavida
Eternal Breath
Trevor KinneasTilmitt

Why is it, in the moments you feel most torn and destroyed, God is most glorified?

These are the people. . .

Attempting to make sense of it all are we? That's cute.