
I am your average geek who loves anime and pirates and anything else nerdy/geeky that you can think of. oh yeah, and i have a tail...
age=nunya biz


real name=nunya again. but you can call me Demosthenes or Demo for short.

occupation=currently unemployed, but i am going to start a job at my public library soon!

location= 42.525859 latitude -83.253552 longitude

sexual orientation=straight, i like chicks.

things i like=music, reading, watching tv/movies/stupid viral videos, surfing the web, watching bitches at school fail at being cool, watching my pet eel (legolas) swim around my fish tank.(he's not very big, about 3 1/2 inches [no you pervs that isn't any sort of innuendo for anything!!!!!] and he is spazzy). that info probably wasn't neccesary i am just bored out of my mind. my small group of friends who would gladly sit there with me for an hour watching my pet eel swim around. shoulder blades, and poking babies.

things i hate=every b***h at school which includes all the kids and teachers, mtv, facebook, posers, preps, jocks, slutty girls, politics, that p***y emo rock they play on the radio (fall out boy, all-american, etc.) you can't be punk rock if 90% of your audience is 13 year old girls!!!!! commmercialism, corporate society, bright lights, boys who wear gurl pants, people who are oblivious to people like me, idiots who pretend like they have no feelings, people who take steroids, basically people in general, rich snobs, small places, mirrors/passageways into alternate dimensions, people who type a bunch in the "about me" section!!!! :p girls who change their hair color every 30 minutes, britney spears, paris hilton, sluts etc. electric blankets, escalators, going out in public, drama queens/kings (i know a bunch) doing chores, term papers, school, farm animals (there's something about them that makes me want to kill them, and i know i would enjoy it), daytime, driving in daytime, being awake in the day time, parents complaining about the music i listen to, you don't have to finish reading this you will probably just start hating me more, people who take everything too seriously, terrorists, bacon, screaming babies (i also think most babies are pretty ugly...), judegemental people, scene kidz, peeple hoo tiep lik dis, being sweaty, parents and kid bro barging into my bedroom without knocking!!! (yes it just happened), wow i hate a lot of things, teachers, most rap, okay i think that is it, but there is probably more.


Viewing 6 of 6 friends


Journal of doooooom!

whatever i think needs to be written



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/17/2010 8:30 pm



Report | 12/26/2009 6:04 pm



Report | 07/31/2009 6:38 pm



Report | 05/19/2009 1:43 pm


Why, thank you. ;]

Report | 05/18/2009 5:36 pm


I'm sorry you don't have a lot of friends. :[ And your sig pic is awesome.

Report | 05/12/2009 3:17 pm


I love your sig pic. I lol'd so hard I woke up my roommate.
Ashen Sonnet

Report | 04/11/2009 2:32 pm

Ashen Sonnet

^,^ Oh thank you,
Yoor's is better co-ordinated though XD
Ashen Sonnet

Report | 04/11/2009 9:57 am

Ashen Sonnet

*random commento*
Had to leave a comment a syour sig is epic

Report | 04/09/2009 7:51 pm


i like ur avi and bout me very nice

Your Butt Is Showing

Report | 04/05/2009 4:04 pm

Your Butt Is Showing

Well you sure are a hateful little guy.
Wish to let that anger out?


...just because your not paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you...

i like random pm's/profile comments... i don't have a lot of friends...
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