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Life is just pain and piss
It's nothing that I will miss
Life is just pain and piss
It's just... temporary
Life is the madness of a drunken city night
With wet leather on your back and rain dripping off your spikes

Just for you my darling

Can't take it, never could
Time to end it, wish you would
Friends and family, they're all gone
Life for you is just a con
Dig yourself a hole in the ground
Push up daisies six feet down
Take a dirt nap, buy the farm
Inject a bubble in your arm

Kill yourself, kill yourself
Why don't you kill yourself

Don't rely on no one else
End it all just kill yourself

Life is just a one way ticket
Everyone must go around
Here's a bucket go and kick it
Slit your wrists without a sound
When you go don't make a big deal
No dramatics, don't overplay
Cause don't you know that we'll all fell
Better once you've gone away

You're a loser, there's nothing left for you
A worthless loser, at everything you do

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1962 - 2010


It's raining birds
Seagulls, nightingales
They don't sing, they stink
Feathers glow in the dark

Black clouds thicken
Your shutters won't help
No one to answer your prayers
Lord of Flies sends his regards

What doesn't kill you makes you strive for death
What doesn't wound you makes you cut your wrists

Fear not the sickness that harms your body
This one will leave you in perfect shape
This is the virus that kills illusions
Fatal disease that opens the open cage

Be careful what you wish for
Pitiful knowledge junkies
Be careful what you pray for
Your sheep chasing the slaughter
You would have never thrown the dice
If you had learnt the rules before
But once you've started the game
Don't leave the table
Don't go home


There is no home
The war is on

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It's good that I sleep alone... so often
Because I toss and turn so much, I feel bad when I disturb my partner
It's okay that I toss and turn... all night, every night
Because I sleep alone so often, I feel bad when I've disturbed my partner
It's good that I'm alone, because I sleep so much so often
And I sleep so much because I am alone, so often, all the time

It's good that I sleep alone... so often
Because I toss and turn so much, I feel bad when I disturb my partner
It's okay that I toss and turn... all night, every night

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I want the sky to fall in
I want lightning and thunder
I want blood instead of rain
I want the world to make me wonder
I want to walk on water
Take a trip to the moon
Give me all this and give me it soon
More drink more dreams more drugs
More lust more lies more love
But however hard I want
I know deep down inside
I'll never really get more hope
Or any more time

A little more today, a little less the next
Halves and quarters are keeping me going
A little less today, a little more the next
Halves and quarters are keeping me going

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Mir wallt die Nacht als Schutz herab
vor Tages grobem Blenden,
das weiter in die Irre zerrt,
mein Selbstsein zu beenden...

Die Nacht, sie reicht mir meine Hand,
zu fühlen wie ich bin und wer,
der lange dort so seltsam stand
und der erst hier sich selbst erkannt.

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Rege mich in dunklem Berg,
fühle Flügel selbst in Fels
Breite Schwingen tief in Stein,
der weckt in mir den Traum

vom Flug

Ich falle bis zum Flügelschlag

So oft scheinen Schwingen schwach
Und doch sind sie es, die mich frei'n

Gleitend trau' ich wohl den Lüften,
gespannt und zugleich hingegeben,
bringen mich zu neuen Landen
einzig meine Flügelschläge?

Flügel gebrochen - Tiefer geheilt

Jetzt bin ich in allem

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Wenn der Tag traurig in die Dunkelheit flieht
und ein Klagelied erklingt, von den Winden der Sehnsucht, den Tränen des Lichts
Wenn Stille plötzlich des Waldes Dämmer-Geist ergreift
und das Meer sich peitschend vor deinem Namen verneigt

Wenn Schatten verschmelzen ein endloses Meer
aus flammenden Sternen, verborgenen Perlen
das weise Gesicht vollendet die Pracht
das Leben in Ehrfurcht, erstarrt vor der Nacht

Des Nächtens Antlitz ich erlegen
wie ein Kind in Deiner Hand
beschütz mich durch den Schild des Nebels
zeig mir Wege unbekannt

So folge mir wenn Schmerz dich quält, enthülle deine Schwingen - sonst ist es zu spät,
verloren in einer Welt wo Zeit vergeht. Zusammen wir erstreben den einsamsten Pfad
im zarten Schein des Silberlichts, der nur im Traum schien greifbar nah...

Eine Reise ins Ungewisse, doch der Schmerz scheint zu verzagen
als wir durchbrechen den Schleier dichter Schwaden
mit jedem Schlag stärker der Verlust meiner Narben
und aus weiter Ferne erreicht mich eine Melodie-

die mich tröstet wie noch nie, mich willenlos in ihren Banne zieht

-das Paradies!

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Schläfst Du? Wache Ich? Sind wir Traum? Welt und Ich?

Durch den Traum reise ich,
durch den Traum werde ich,
Tag und Nacht atmet sich,
alles Sein...



On the walls of Venus's temple
The tale of Narcissus and Echo
A beautiful young nymph
Sentenced to repeat
The last words of the others
Never to talk first

She fell in love with Narcissus
And followed him longing to speak
He said "Who is here" and she replied "Here"
He called for her saying "Come"
She just replied "Come"

As none came near, Narcissus
Called her again
"Why do you shun me"
She could only say the same

These words hurt deep
His pride his actions leads
"I would rather die
Than you should have me"

Narcissus went forth
To a fountain in the north
He kneeled down to drink
And then he fell in love

He said "Who is here"
His voice kept sounding "Here"
He called again the one
That couldn't ever come

His face was young and
In the crystal waters glowed
His smile was cold reflecting
Back a thought
"I would rather die
Than you should have me"