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Im Your Fav Drug

Im Your Fav Drug's avatar

Registered: 06/22/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 11/29/1993

the doomish poo i have on! bwahaha >D

Donate So I Can Get Doomish Avis :D

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Total Value: 492,954 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Gray SKA shoes (GOT)
Gimpi 7th gen.
Jinxi's Charm (6th Gen)
Mu Plushie (GOT)
Changeling Baby Girl 5th Gen
Fremere's Guard 4th Gen.
Sunflower Picnic Sun Dress
Sailor's Mermaid Tattoo (GOT)
Red Green Dragon Bottom Tattoo (GOT)
Sailor Anchor Tattoo (GOT)
Red Heart Hairpin
Purple Reading Glasses (GOT)
Onyx Kira Kira Earring With Jewel
Light Grey And Grey Reversible Bracelets

My Transportational Vehicle of DOOMishish

Meet-up and Rally


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I'm Joanna.
Play with Knognome PLEASEEEEE he's so lonely D':

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Some Things About Me:
Out There
Female, 'Cause My Father's Sperm Said So
Loves Music
Pansexual (Don't Know What That Is? Here's A Newsflash: Look It Up)
Free Spirited

~!@#$%^&* Happy Nightmares and Bittersweet Goodbyes! *&^%$#@!~

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i adopted a chibi!
name: Rein
likes: Ice Cream Or Other Frozen Desserts
doesn't like: Broccoli
owner: ImYourFavDrug
you can adopt one too!
adopt me!

Doomishish things People tell me:

View All Comments

II Silencer II Report | 09/09/2009 5:43 pm
II Silencer II
thank you for purchasing
BlackRoseWhiteSoul Report | 09/07/2009 4:03 pm
If I had any clue I'd tell you. The school just want's to feel "powerful".
BlackRoseWhiteSoul Report | 09/06/2009 2:06 pm
Kofi hasen"t won yet. I"m not even sure wherther or not I should run for office again. Yah they did tell us the new rules, but this year they made them stricter. Liek they said chicks could have purses, and now they said no gucci no baby phat no sling purses only "clutches" clutches my foot.
BlackRoseWhiteSoul Report | 09/06/2009 2:02 pm
You left ebfore the new rules where made. So that can"t be your excuse. You ddnt even come to look at the building. ARGGGG!! The kids in our grade have gotten stranger. Kofi"s gonna win elections again and ruin our sophmore year.... *sighs* Just want to gradguate already. Wish I was a senior.
BlackRoseWhiteSoul Report | 09/06/2009 1:58 pm
I know I dislike it to. But sooo many people have left. It"s rediculous. And sooooo amny new rules have been made up. It's horrid.
BlackRoseWhiteSoul Report | 09/06/2009 1:54 pm
Waaaah!!! I miss you!!!!! Come back to AKF!!!!!!!! *sighs* And I realllllly miss your brother!!!!!!!!!!!
Dagoth_ethan Report | 09/04/2009 12:06 pm
ewwww its joanna and she looks like a b***h wink
me syd Report | 08/31/2009 2:18 pm
me syd

you would be if you saw my new one.

glimmer_deih Report | 08/31/2009 9:50 am
Thank yoiu for the purchase..
me syd Report | 08/20/2009 5:18 pm
me syd

Your just jealous. You didn't have to say anything on my profile...but you did.
Which makes you Jealous. User Image

my media of doomishishishish

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

my house of doomishishish!

Visit My House

My Tank of Unspeakable DOOMishish (w/ fish on a dish that go SPLISH SPLISH)

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!

Queen Shidoni
Queen Shidoni

Before I cross my heart and hope to die Alone,
Take off my Mask and leave the lies to the Liar.

Cross My Heart And Hope To Die

You two really deserve each other,
And while you're out having a great time,
I'll be inside, listening to my music without a care.
So go on, make love not war
While the war inside me keeps waging.
But do not be afriad, its self contained
Its not contagious.
And when I'm done getting you together,
You'd think I'd get a thank you
But thats all right with me, as long as Your happy.
I just wished someone cared that much about me once in awhile...

Doomish Tales About Moi:
