
crAzula's avatar

Last Login: 06/30/2015 2:34 am

Registered: 07/28/2008

Birthday: 01/31


If Barbie is so Pretty Why Buy her Friends?

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oysterbell Report | 08/25/2011 1:12 pm
cool avi
trishkat Report | 08/28/2010 9:22 am
Hey there~ :3 How's life? biggrin
oysterbell Report | 08/20/2010 5:00 am
cool avi
Galena Gaea Report | 06/29/2010 7:03 pm
Galena Gaea
>< hello
Galena Gaea Report | 05/29/2010 9:02 am
Galena Gaea
CRAZULA YOUR BACK!! THANK GOD =3 It's Humana =3 remember me?
trishkat Report | 04/21/2010 6:39 pm
Hi there~ 8D How's life? :3 It's been so hot these days D: I want to go somewhere cold @_@ lol.
trishkat Report | 03/30/2010 2:37 am
It's actually my sister's xD got bored so I read it biggrin Oh, I've heard of that manga~ Is it good? I'll read it if I get bored :] Yay, Ouran~ 8D
trishkat Report | 03/29/2010 6:27 am
Yup D: It's so hot here nowadays @_@ I want to cut my hair~ :[ Just read a book/comic called "Go With Grace" The story's cute but it's so suicidal xD [spelling? x3] lol, thanks xD We finally graduated @_@ The only thing I did today was lie in bed and write stuff x))) Ah, it's Holy Week already @_@ So, how's life? biggrin Sorry for the late reply, btw! Was sort of busy last week because of my sister's /belated/ debut x3
trishkat Report | 03/21/2010 8:57 pm
lol. Oh I see~ Sorry for the late reply! Anyway, Grad. was two day ago [March 20] @-) -happy dance- 8D The 4th year Graduation was yesterday ;] So my parents pretty much had a busy weekend xDD Oh summer, why must you be so boring? @_@
trishkat Report | 03/05/2010 5:48 am
Hey there! Sorry for the -very- late reply @_@ It was because we had our final exams the previous week x3 Grad. practice is happening now so it's kind of boring at school xD There's lots of drama too. (from what I heard) The one who's teaching us the grad songs walked out because 2 girls were disrespecting her I think? This happened earlier but unfortunately I wasn't there because I had fever D: I wish I went to school though~ Lots of things happened today xD
Oh, I think it's because of the curriculum... The first year students have Biology now and lots of other hard subjects so it's really hard to adjust to the new curriculum... Our batch on the other hand has RESEARCH PAPERS. (aka Thesis) D: For ECA/English & Filipino. @_@ It's actually intended for the 4th year students, not us. We're just Grade 7 students! Ugh. SPCP sees us as guinea pigs, that's why. neutral
How's life? :3

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