
Khursan's avatar

Last Login: 01/19/2022 5:21 pm

Registered: 08/06/2008

Gender: Male

Birthday: 06/04


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Name: Khursan Avaram
Age: 22
Family: His father, Serkan, died when he was young. His mother's name is Ruya. He has seven siblings in total- four older brothers, one older sister, and two younger sisters. Khursan's father was a diplomat from a literate society, sent to deal with the nomadic clans that ruled the neighboring lands.

Khursan is from the Avaram clan, a nomadic clan that herds elk and other animals in order to survive. Given his nomadic lifestyle growing up, it comes as no surprise that he can ride a horse in his sleep and is extremely independent when it comes to traveling. From a young age, he's trained in martial skills like shooting and horseback riding. He has always wanted to see the world, thanks to stories he'd heard throughout his childhood. It wasn't until he became an adult that he took his desire to travel seriously.

After a recent period of war (in which Khursan spent most of the time in captivity), Khursan has set out in order to make a living for himself. Having suffered through the war and a rough winter, he has lost interest in living permanently in the area.

Khursan is, overall, optimistic. He is more comfortable dealing with family and with nature, thus he tends to stray toward naivety when dealing with strangers. At times this makes him gullible and easily manipulated. He's not unintelligent by any means, he just tends to give people the benefit of the doubt due to past experiences.

Trivia: He can't swim. He's afraid of thunderstorms (he would never admit it).
Is actually a light-weight when it comes to drinking alcohol.


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Jzen White Report | 02/18/2018 9:39 pm
Jzen White
Hello there! You have a nice avatar! emotion_yatta
Idlewylde Report | 01/06/2018 1:57 pm
"To be honest, being Clan Mother means expecting about half your sons to die at the blade of some tall ones sword... We aren't known for longevity of our boys." Shazia said quite frankly. "Most of the boys don't live long enough to earn a full name. I'd be horrible at keeping tall-ones alive. You grow food, hunt it. My clan scavenges from farms. I think I ate a potato once on a dare from a clans brother... It was the worst!"
Idlewylde Report | 01/06/2018 1:14 pm
Shazia narrowed her eyes at his assumption she'd be a better clan leader than him. "I am not so sure I would be. Never lead a clan of my own kind let alone tall-ones... I don't have the same point of view." She said snerking.
Skadi Sundermount Report | 09/14/2017 8:07 pm
Skadi Sundermount
You detected the sarcasm but failed to grasp the innuendo. emotion_awesome im sorry
Aria Troi Report | 07/05/2015 12:58 pm
Aria Troi
I know this is random but can you please post here? We need guys to get sausage fest! Thanks so much!
Idlewylde Report | 05/22/2015 6:14 pm
Looking awesome
Skadi Sundermount Report | 06/16/2014 12:09 am
Skadi Sundermount
i love tex cartoons
Dil Took Report | 06/09/2014 1:27 pm
Dil Took
"Well, not to much travel I dare say. I have spent a good chunk of my time in Rivendale learning from the elves there. Plus I head quite some interesting tales! How have your travels been?"
Dil Took Report | 06/08/2014 11:10 pm
Dil Took
"I met him while visiting Rivendale! Though it was only briefly; he was on his way home when I came to take a rest at Rivendale.
How about your Elven leader? How did you meet him?"
Dil Took Report | 06/08/2014 10:44 pm
Dil Took
Unfortunately no.... Though I did meet an Elf King!
I guess you can call that something new~


Khursan Avaram



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