Remind me to update my interests.
Birthday: 01/08
I love and miss Oregon!!!!
Hey look!!! my friends!!! oh my god!!! they're everywhere!
Oregon is the best place to be!
Peace Love Happiness <-----Live it
ummm ya funny story about me and a skateboard haha so many damn briuses and cuts, fun times tho =D
I used to live in Oregon, Washington, and now California and that is in order!
wanna get to know me? message me and lets see if we'll be friends or not! XD
:HACKED: -by her bestie ELO EVERY1 WHO ISH READN DIS!!! u r soooo lucky 2 kno dis grl! she ish da bestest friend in da world!!! she cheerZ joo up wen joo r down nd she ish neva bragZ bought herself or any of dat shuga honey ice tea well b4 i covR up ur whole page imma end dis! - mah singnature smile C:
I'm Slowly loosing friends day by day but im loosing my best friends by the minute.
I LOVE YOU TORI!!!!! ALWAYS KNOW THAT NO MATTER WHAT I WILL. ALWAYS! your my best frend. we have been thru amazing times and very hard troubling times. but always know that Bella and i are always here for you. i love you so much! i love like a sister. becuz to me you and bella are basically like a sis to me. i love you guys!!!!! <3
OMG!!! gi-nana!!!! i love u!!!!! ur my sis and stephs sis!!!!! yaaaay!!! yeah! <---u no wat that is xD
Amazing Food!!! its basically my favorite! i cannot live without Sushi!!!
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im sorry again
im not okay this coming week cuz there r u many exam
hehehe nice job hehehe
lOl, I guess what the doctors were saying wasn`t important?. xD
The dog attack? Are you doing okay now,though? (:
What?! Picking on you? B-BUT WHY?! O:<
That`s awful. ):