
Terakk's avatar

Birthday: 09/05


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The asdf Pages.

The confidential pages of a lost prophecy. Strictly off-limits.




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Aetherwaves Report | 07/02/2010 3:53 pm
How can an original avatar have a ref? :/
Temptations Dream Report | 07/02/2010 3:31 pm
Temptations Dream
Demon_Darkangel_228 Report | 07/01/2010 10:24 pm
no i diddnt ii really dont care smile but thanx 4 commenting though lol also kool avi
Dream Hider Report | 07/01/2010 10:03 pm
Dream Hider
I saw your comment on my Avatar Arena entry. I wouldn't be saying that about my entry, because your current look is jsut as worse. No, your avatar is the UGLIEST and GAYEST I've ever seen. Bye bye. biggrin
Berries and Kisses Report | 10/11/2009 12:33 am
Berries and Kisses
My cpu is all screwy it won't let me in towns... So... WAAA!!!
Berries and Kisses Report | 10/11/2009 12:03 am
Berries and Kisses
:O Your an old fart!
Just kidding ^__^
I saw your post on the freshman thing...
I'm still in 7th grade!!
Urm... What's highschool like?
Please tell me they are more mature than middleschoolers!!
Berries and Kisses Report | 10/10/2009 3:14 pm
Berries and Kisses
I just think the love part came a little quick...
When I'm done with this story/book I'm going to try to get it published. But if I have this book that is more of a story, those picky publishers won't like it much, and if it get's into stores, the reports on it might suck, therefore I'd get a royality check of about $2,000 from selling a bunch of crappy paperback books, over $50,000 with a bunch of hard-back books, plus the publishers recomendation (If it's good, they will give you about $20,000 for pretty much just because they have a good feeling about it) and If I write two great novels a year, that's in total about $140,000 a year, just off of writing. And I just want my books to be nice, so by the time I'm 15, I can make at least $50,000 a year. Plus the hundreds I get from publishing to ReadersDigest.
Berries and Kisses Report | 10/10/2009 2:44 pm
Berries and Kisses
Do me a favor, and tell me if you think the whole lovey dovey part of the story came to fast in this slice:

The short little period of time where someone realised that everything they know is not what it seems. That one moment when one understands, that you may only control the breath you take. Then you start to understand that you may not do what you want. And that so called freedom you have is only the freedom to move around in your prison cell.
That is the period that the depressed, and lonely Danny was going through.
He sat lonely in his room when the phone rang. He answered it with a soft "Hello?"
"Hey Danny, we need to talk. I wanna break up." Julia, his now ex-girlfriend said.
"Oh... Can we still be fri--"
"No. Bye." She hung up.
Danny put his hands over his face.
Just after he set the phone down, it rang again. He answered it sadly.
"What's wrong Danny?" It was Tina, one of his best friends, who always got herself into his buisness.
"Julie broke up with me..." He sighed.
"Oh Danny, I'm so sorry..."
"Nah, it's ok... They all do..."
"Well one day you will find the girl that you will end up marrying."
"When I do, she'll just divorce..."
"That's not true. I wouldn't."
"Your not planning on marrying me, now are you..?"
"My point exactly."
"Can I page in Marie?"
Tina called in Marie, and put them all together on three-way-calling.
"Hey Maire!" Tina cheered.
"...Hi..." Marie whispered.
"..Be right back.." Danny walked away.
He went downstairs and into the kitchen.
"Julia broke up with Danny." Tina yelled.
"What? Why?"
"No clue."
Danny picked up the phone again.
"Oh look! I gotta go!" Marie hung up.
"Danny, you allowed to have friends over?"
"Great. I'll be over in a few."
Tina hung up and picked up her bookbag. She slung it around her shoulder, and pulled her bike outside. She locked her door behind her. She kicked up the kickstand, and rode off headed twords Danny's house.
She rode through the big city, passing by the tall buildings.
She rode out to the smaller part of town, where Danny lived, passing tree's.
When Tina arrived at his house, she droped her bike and ran to his door. She knocked hard.
Danny herd her from upstairs. He drug himself downstairs and opened the door.
Tina rushed foward and hugged him. "I'm so sorry about Julia." She whispered.
Danny hugged her back. "Don't be. It's not like I would actully get much from dateing a cheerleader anyway."
He invited her in. They walked up into his room. All over Tina saw pictures of Julia and him.
"Ok, get thease out. Now." She demanded.
"It's been an hour sense we broke up. I can't forget her yet."
Tina looked at Danny with a sour expression.
"Well then, can you at least go out and party a little tonight? Huh? Huuuh?"
Tina shook her hips as if she were danceing.
"Just me and you? Or...?" Danny began.
"Nah, nah! All of us are goin! Me, Marie, Ricky, Mich, Sally, Christi, Mr.B,..."
"Mr.B?! You invited our science teacher to go to a rock-club with us! Tina you're crazy!"
"AS I WAS SAYING; Mr.B, Mrs.B, Jona, Deen, Ariel, Oh! And Gene Simmons!"
Danny scruntched his face in disbelife. "Yeah right, like you could get a guy from Kiss to meet us."
Tina's cell phone rang. "Well speak of the devil! It's Gene!" She answered it. "Gene! Baby! How's it goin?"
Danny grabbed the phone out of her hand's.
He held it up to his face. "Ok, who's she paying to pose as Gene Simmons?!" He yelled.
"... She's paying someone to be me?! That's not cool, I thought I was going to this party thing, not someone poseing as me." Gene said.
"What the---" Danny droped the phone. Tina smirked at him and picked it back up.
"Sorry, Gene, that's just my friend, Danny. So yeah, I'll meet you tonight infront of Rocksies?......Great!" She hung up with a smile.
"How in the hell did you-- But it's not possible!! He won't show-- You have his phone number?! How did you--" Danny stuttered.
"Oh, my dad's ex girlfriend's c
raptor56 Report | 10/10/2009 7:02 am
Berries and Kisses Report | 10/07/2009 12:47 am
Berries and Kisses

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