Viewing Nikkira's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


Hello there! My name is Nikkira, but I prefer you call me by my last name: Byron. I'm 15 years old and - as far as society's concerned - far too old to be playing on virtual sites like this one. I've been a member of other online communities, so I hardly consider my self a newbie here.

My main interests (having to do with the computer anyway) include creating layouts and coding profiles. I used to have an account on Subeta with which I did hardly anything but code and design. I'm giving myself a break from sCode and working on perfecting my profile codes on Gaia so I can eventually sell my services... Maybe even to you!

If you have any tips to pass on to a rookie Gaia Coder, just slip 'em my way if you don't mind! I love to be in on the hidden secrets and whatnot.

Other interests of mine include videogames (my favourite being Psychonauts!) I also play Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, and the Harvest Moon series as well as Animal Crossing (of course). Oh! And Pokemon. I mean really! Who's never played pokemon?

Anyway, that's me in an internet nutshell. I'll chat about just about anything, so if you find yourself feeling bored, don't be afraid to drop me a line so we can chat. (I also speak some spanish if you wanna test me out with that.) ...Well, that's all for now, I think. Have a good day (or evening)!

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