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ok, so right off, my birthday is 10/02, not 10/01, typo... grr...
I am a total artsy freak. I LOVE music and theatre (and musical theatre, best of both worlds), I've been singing since before I can remember, I've been playing piano for almost 12 years, guitar is a recent thing, but i love it. I've been working on my own book series for a while, and I'm co-authoring with a few friends. I love writing fan fiction on mugglenet (mostly Tonks/Remus stuff) check me out! (sn: tonksthedreamer). My nickname at school is Tonks mostly because of my goofy personality and because of my freaking amazing ability to trip over my own shadow.
As I said earlier, music is a big part of my life. My earliest memories are of music and I plan to go to college for music and possibly become a teacher to pass on the amazing experience to others.
I also mentioned that I'm writing my own series. It's called Secrets and if you've every watched the TV show Charmed, then my super short explanation of my book (b/c I don't feel like typing it all out) is that it's like Charmed only with high school students and a different plot line.
Well... that's all I can think of right now... so... lata!


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Viewing 7 of 7 comments.

Mairin Rainilt

Report | 10/11/2008 2:31 pm

Mairin Rainilt

Love the backround!!!!!
Tanamoril Osfameron

Report | 09/08/2008 2:46 pm

Tanamoril Osfameron

thanks for buying - enjoy your purchase!

Report | 09/06/2008 12:47 pm


lol. Ya I didn't like it. The book seemed too rushed. Like it needed to be written in two different books.

Report | 09/02/2008 3:51 am


thanks for the buy
wish you complete
your wish list

Report | 09/01/2008 10:19 am


lol. to tell you the truth I've never read one before! Lol. I hate JK rowling for killing them. lol I didn't like the seventh book much.

Report | 08/31/2008 5:14 pm


I LOVE REMUS and TONKS!!!!!!! Such a sad ending though sad

Report | 08/31/2008 4:33 pm




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