Me x

Name: Kate, Zombie, DJ Omid
Age: 12
I <3;;
Music, Rainbows, MCR, Chiodos, Green Day, Cupcakes,
Sugar, Pop Tarts, Coke zero, Unicorns, Fairies, Cats,
Bows, Frerard, RPGs, Anime, Manga, Drawing, Filming,
Photography, Converese, Vans, Skinny Jeans, Clothes,
Shoes, Shopping, Bats.
I Slow music, Dull colours, Brown, Noisy eaters, Singing,
Thick people, Chavs, Gold, Nougat, Ignorance, Dogs.
I Am an artist !! :D
My deviantART
Please check out my gallery and feel free to watch me!!
I do read my notes and comments and 9 times out of 10 I reply
so drop by, and we can have a chat.
My fave band!! heart
I love the band, Chiodos. They rock and Jason Hale is teh smex.
My fave song is We swam from albatross the day we lost Kailey Cost.