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excomunication's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 06/08

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My names tiera,I'm not quit the artist but i draw stuff. I have exactly ten fingers, I'm in love with music. Have no idea where i'm going. put up my middle finger for those who like the kinky stuff wink poke you on facebook if i'm bored. I fall inlove with movies and can be a animal planet dork. i think sex ed is a subject that could start wars.. User Image
I'm just a girl

London based
God free
An Intriguing loser
Anime Lover
VF addict
Animal rights activist
Control freak
and Certified Mischeif Maker
User Image
I’m not a b***h, I’m just not a liar.
I don’t like the normal boys and girls round here.
Freaky by nature. Twisted by choice.
Peculiar and bizarre. In the nicest possible way.
Complex and controversial. Without an explanation in sight.
A boys taken my heart and im planning on letting him keep it.
Complete intolerance of humanoid stupidity,
I’m not here to take your bullshit, I’m here to be me.
Anthony means so much to me, more than you ever will, User Image
So if you decide to comment and rate me; Please for the love of God,
be respectful and act your age, not your d**k size.
User Image
Extremely opinionated
Pierced through
Gauged up
Book Worm
Insanely loud

This is me.




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This is apart of my Area1 movement. No, am not trying to get you to join, but if you want you can. I'm just trying to spread the love and the information.

lovies :3


rockstar powers