x-Da Qiao-x

x-Da Qiao-x's avatar

Birthday: 01/04


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ChocolateSuger Report | 11/09/2008 1:17 pm
Totally awesome avi! Keep up the awsome work.
Graceless Waltz Report | 11/08/2008 11:03 am
Graceless Waltz
Welcome~! ^_^
Oh, you should play it! =o It's pretty fun, but there's a lot of copies. XD; But Lu Bu's scary. As always. XD
Omfg, yah, I know! They should've put Da in it too! =o! I don't get why they didn't put her. Not. Fair. >( She's awesome. <3
Oooh~! Zhange He's AWESOME. XD Good luck on cosplaying him! =D
Personally, my fav is Lu Xun~ 'Cause pyro strategists are awesome. XD But he only has a single sword in DW6, not his dual swords. x.x
Keeping The Beat Report | 11/08/2008 9:54 am
Keeping The Beat
I'm in despair now, too, kthnxs. D;
Keeping The Beat Report | 11/07/2008 9:06 pm
Keeping The Beat
Why're you in despaiiirrrrr? D:
Keeping The Beat Report | 11/07/2008 8:58 pm
Keeping The Beat
Keeping The Beat Report | 11/07/2008 8:51 pm
Keeping The Beat
I love you. ;D
Graceless Waltz Report | 11/07/2008 8:35 am
Graceless Waltz
Hi~ I saw you avi in the avatar arena and I must say, I'm happy. XD
I never thought I'd ever see a Dynasty Warriors cosplay here. Ever. xD;
It's really accurate too, and good luck in the contest! ^_^

Hee, I need to finish playing Dynasty Warriors 6... Can you BELIEVE that they didn't put Da Qiao there? D< They did put Xiao, though.
Majorasmark Report | 11/06/2008 2:24 pm
Yeah, I had never tought it possible to make an avi of her with the items on gaia, it truely is an immpressive avi I must say sweatdrop Good luck to you
Muk Muffin Report | 11/06/2008 2:05 pm
Muk Muffin
you are an awsome da qiao
i just saw your avitar in the arena
Majorasmark Report | 11/05/2008 6:17 pm
I couldn't help but have to comment your avatar in the arena.
It looks great and exactly like Da Qiao!



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