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Rio FlameBird

Rio FlameBird's avatar

Birthday: 10/10


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Hey donations accepted!!! smile

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Hey everybody i has a dream avi *o* its pretty cool .... donations accepted Thanks everybody!!! Want all of the things on wanted list smile
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Total Value: 214,175 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Devoted Pawn
Super Powers
Dark Halo
Celebrity Snare Snoop Dogg's Hoodie
Black Catscratch Pants
Black Body Dye

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The Fail Police Report | 12/21/2008 2:16 pm
hello i am iNearPancake, O.O
me miss muffinz in a new account.... >.<

hey *covers ears from christmas music* heh heh.... looks like you added music
(and back ground)... P:
i dont know why im heer commenting on your profile..
i guess i just need an extra 50 gold :B
miss muffinz Report | 12/10/2008 5:13 pm
youtube- download link (use the 2ed code given) COPY OR CUT IT'' -go to profile- ''edit profile''- then multimedia -PASTE IT.

then the rest you should be smart enough to pick up from.... O_________O

also photobucket have pictures put some on.....

ur avatar..... : well.... ?! O.o

miss muffinz Report | 12/06/2008 11:59 am

me too O.O
*flips pancake*
yeah this new gaia isnt as good as the old one...
the old one i was able to change my name twice...

i wish to have changed it to miss pancake.... -.-
ok at least put pictures on your profile
or somthing~

fish music or your FISH are boring me.... *O*

my profiles awsomez.... (my fish are dying... im trying to kill them)
miss muffinz Report | 12/02/2008 7:27 pm
im also the queen of pancakes >.<
miss muffinz Report | 12/01/2008 5:14 pm
oh good.....

and urm.. im a girl that queen all things random??!? O.O?

if you need more information than that then take a visit to my profile...

if thats not enough than your at stocker level -.-!?
miss muffinz Report | 11/28/2008 1:39 pm
(still trying to figure out how the hell i know you...) >.<

dude put some music on your profile!!!!! D:
CrimsonCA Report | 11/27/2008 8:05 am
miss muffinz Report | 11/26/2008 5:39 pm
that must suck...
can you go on profiles?
miss muffinz Report | 11/26/2008 4:34 pm
sounds like hell.....
my cousins have dialup, so its very slow, so i take my labtop...
miss muffinz Report | 11/26/2008 1:20 pm
just give up on that crap.....
Invisible rebel2
Bannana Vampire