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Ho ho.. It's been ages since I last updated my profile. Anyways, welcome my fellow Gaians! For those that are clueless as to who I am, you can call me NinjaRyu11 or Ryu is just fine. In the fantastic fire emblem guild, FEF, that I've joined for quite some time. My friends there call me Rhys or Rhyus. Any of those names are cool with me. xp Of course, my real name is a secret and only people that I know very well know my real name.

Now, my tastes in anime has changed over the years because back then I was a different person when I first joined here. I used to really like Inuyasha a lot, but as I got older it didn't seem as great as thought it was when I watched it at the time. It's pretty repetitive in the later episodes.. I still do think the first three seasons are good and sure there's some enjoyable osts in there. So I don't think it's as bad as most people think it is. I also liked Naruto and Bleach but grew up out of those as time when on.

I don't exactly watch as much anime that I used to in the past, and that was at a time when I watched subbed anime. I tend to read mangas a bit more these days. However there's a few anime here and there I still do enjoy very much. Like the Studio Ghibli films mostly they sort of got me interested into anime.

Just to name a few others:

I really love Dragonball! I personally didn't really care about DBZ or DBGT but Dragonball still remains close to my heart. Or maybe it's because I didn't really grow up with DBZ or DBGT then maybe it could've been a little different for me.

Full Metal Alchemist. I actually am one of the few people that prefers the 2003 version a bit more, but I still think brotherhood is great too.

Yugioh Season 0. I really, really don't like the later Yugioh series anymore. To be more specific the ones about the trading card game. But for some reason there's something about this anime that's enjoyable. It's not only true to the original manga(Which is can get pretty dark at times.) but I really like that it doesn't focus on cards. There's just so many ideas and games that really make this series for me.

Now and then here and now.

Zatch Bell/ Konjiki no Gash Bell.


Maison Ikkoku

And the list goes on...

I also really enjoy playing video games whenever I have time. I'm more of an Rpg/ Srpg sorta guy. As I mentioned before I'm in a fire emblem guild. And I love the Fire Emblem games! They're just really fun games to play.

Other games I enjoy are Shining Force series, Dragon Quest series, Lunar SIlver Star Story Complete, and Lunar 2 Eternal Blue. Those are probably are the ones that come to mind at the moment.

As for myself, I'm sort of the type that doesn't talk very much unless I know that person very well. But otherwise than that, I'm usually pretty cool and friendly. ^_^

Ninja Ryu11

Ninja Ryu11's avatar

Birthday: 04/19


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Odenpa Kunoichi Report | 01/04/2017 8:32 pm
Odenpa Kunoichi
******** yeah to your Lunar sig.
ShadowedXHunted Report | 11/11/2012 2:00 pm
Wow you sound like you really know your stuff lol.
ShadowedXHunted Report | 11/11/2012 6:49 am
Yo nice to meet you! We have a lot in common! Fire Emblem fans FTW. I love Sacred Stones what about you?

Bakuman is really interesting, I haven't completed it yet.

But yeah! .Hack IS AWESOME TOO!!
Jinxed_Memories89 Report | 09/30/2012 5:04 am
thanks for buying.
ZodiacGX Report | 05/27/2012 8:49 pm
haha thanks
ZodiacGX Report | 05/27/2012 1:48 pm
ahaha thanks a bunch, i tried make it like if it were from the game you know, no too exagerated
ZodiacGX Report | 05/26/2012 11:14 pm
yeah, fire emblem is just awesome. and I like a lot .hack too! i played all the G.U. games and also the first .hack one... ah the good times! my profile is much based on a fictional fire emblem character razz
ZodiacGX Report | 05/26/2012 5:59 pm
Nice profile mate!
salvy35z Report | 09/03/2010 6:32 pm
cool avi
salvy35z Report | 09/02/2010 6:15 pm
Ventus wasn't his name Roxas before!


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That's right. Back in the day Alex played the harp. The manliest instrument of all~

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