Schitzophrenic Ninja

Schitzophrenic Ninja's avatar

Last Login: 11/13/2021 11:58 am

Registered: 11/10/2008

Gender: Female


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There really is nothing worth sharing on this thing except that I am a little bit of everything but not a lot of anything, well... except a nerd. If I had to narrow it down to words I would say bored, nerdy, bored, crazy, bored, crazy, geeky, and crazy.

I also really like fighting but only in a fair fight, I do have morals you know.(gasp) I am fairly sure I have multiple personalities (It's not a disorder unless it's bad). I will randomly start acting like a freaking eight year old on sugar (its crack for kids) but then I could quite easily turn into some stoner. I f I were an animal I would be some weird mutant vampire bat, wolf, ninja, squirrel combination (that'd be sweeeet).

A few things you should know:
Vampires don't sparkle
Replying with 'Ya mum' is not amusing (nor is it proper grammar) go to hell grammar Nazi
'lol' is not a word and should not replace actual laughter
Watching cartoons doesn't make you immature but making fun of people that do will
swearing is not an acceptable substitute for punctuation

If you've read this then well done, you have accomplished an attention span...wish I had one of those...some sanity might be nice to...nah.


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Writings of the criminaly sane

I shall update the journals writing based on whatever the hell I feel like at the time.



Damn you giant hobo coffee bean, stop stealing my plates!(shakes fist)


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