
Name: Brela
Birthday: 07-10-91
Birthplace: Clearlake Ca.
Current location: Clearlake lol
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'1
Most overused phrase: Uuber
Most missed memory: Eight grade hanging out with Jesus, Melissa and Tara
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Chocolate or Vanilla: Both
Do you smoke: Like a chimney
Do you swear: All the ******** time
In the past month have you eatting pizza: Yeah =]
Do you want to go to college: Kinda
In the past month have you stolen anything: Yeah lol
Do you get along with your parents: Depends..
Do you play an instrument: Bah..
Have you been to a mall in the past month: Nope =[
Where do you most frequently shop: Wal*Mart <3
Ever shoplifted: Yeah
Are you a health freak: Not really
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
Thoughts first waking up: Damn it =[
Shoes you wore today: Flats
Your fears: Dark, Large bodies of water, spiders, bugs and other sorts of creepy crawlies..
Your best physical feature: My ADORKABLE smile
How to you want to die: I'm never gonna die. I'm a vampire.
Ever been drunk: ******** yes
Ever got high: Hell yeah <3

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