
Hello and Welcome to all that bothered looking at my page.
If your here I'll take it you took some interest in me and want to find out more about me? Am I right? I'm not? You're just bored? Oh ok....
Well it sucks for you that I don't care. I'll write about me anyways!
My name is Patricia and I am 15 years of age.
You, my good fellow, are allowed to call me the following:
-Sir Horny McDoogenhin.
-or Patricia.
Ok, Just call me Parry and COMPLETELY ignore the Sir one... *cough*
The only reason I'm on Gaia is, honestly, to RP. I range from Literate all the way to advanced and the great ******** beyond. I don't do much else...
As for the things I like?
-Video Games
... eh, yeah, that's basically my life, actually, more than of what I like.
I'm not shy and extremely blunt, so if I get angry (which rarely ever happens), expect hell to come your way. I'm a giant pervert as well.... >.>
As for things I hate? I hate Twilight, that's all you need to know.
I don't speak about myself alot... so yeah, send me a pm and get to know me if you want....
Top Game: Mass Effect Series
Top Anime/Manga: Tie between Hetalia and D.Gray-Man
Top Song: Too many. Lots of screamo and heavy metal
Top Book: The Uglies Series and Hunger Games Series
Favorite things to RP too:
-Good Romances (I'm a GIANT sucker for them)
-One on One
-POKEMON ******** YEAH
-not much else. I'm pretty open though, so give me a good idea and we'll see about it.
As for my sexuality?
Well, I do like to think that I like men... but I've been doubting that lately. As of late though, I LOVE me my sexy men.

"Tradgedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when someone falls in a sewer and dies." -unknown
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With love,
Spending the whole wee at my grandmas........ TRALALALALA~~ heart
a lot of ******** s**t happened.
i'll get to it asap