Waaazzaaaaup? Wazzappenin?
So! I live in the country side, eat Mc Donalds when ever I can, have about 2 REAL friends, stay skinny no matter what I do, I'm a real RPG game freak, I always look a mess and no matter what you say I'll always think that. thats my life in a nutshell =]
but I guess I should put something deep and meaning full here ay? ok, uhm... I moved around a lot, I live far from my friends so I have to travel bloody miles to see them, I ADORE British insults, no surprise seeing as I am British xP, I do love my family, but I wouldn't want to see them on a regualr basis, I depend on friends most of the time, problem is we people are pain in the arses and change at the drop of a hat. 'cause of this I have major trust issues with people but I ain't all hostile and s**t. I am a nice person =] and I treat you with respect. I often get called a freak cause I enjoy weird little things that 'normal' people don't.
- and thats the end of my little fairy tale. =]
Add me as a friend or pm me, I don't bite =]
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