My Playlist

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raise your head and taste the courage
fall from grace, unholy night



hi my name is cara

i hate writing these about me things. i sound so conceited. the one thing which makes life worth living is a boy affectionately known as josh. music makes my heart beat faster, avenged sevenfold is my escape. i have a crush on the rev, it's true! i've never been to a concert, but i hopefully will soon. drumming is harder than it looks. my birthday is november 21st, and i hate being born late because i'm always the youngest. i'm a junior at st anne highschool which is an extremely uncool place to be. i could eat all the poptarts in the world and still love them. chucks are sick. i collect pennies. i absolutely love itsy bitsy puppies. i'm not the richest kid, but i get by and i love life anyway. i wish unicorns were real. i'm kind of messy and my books always fall out of my locker. i have a knack for photography, and i also enjoy styling hair, although i have no real instruction in either. my true friends are the best; i dare you to try and find any better. i'm extremely sick of being talked badly about by the people i trusted most. i am shy and sensitive, but at the same time i am loud and crazy. my greatest desire is to start a life with the boy i love and forget all about our pasts. one day we'll just get in the truck and drive. wherever the tank runs out is where we'll stay. school is a bit of a joke to me. my mind doesn't work like most peoples'. i fail to form sentences out of my thoughts. it takes a while to understand how my brain functions. kudos if you can figure it out.

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hello these are my idols

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"i think you gotta have balls to be an avenged fan sometimes. a lot of our fans get hated on just as much as us. to me avenged fans aren't just fans of a band, they are fans of everything that surrounds it, like a lifestyle. we live it, you live it. you go to the shows and you can feel it. it's a great experience and people that aren't involved will never understand. so they can stand on the sidelines and talk, but we will just continue to do what makes us all happy." - matt shadows

jimmy sullivan
(in particular)
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you are my drumming god. you're what inspires me to keep a tight grip on those sticks and play like i know what i'm doing. sometimes i wonder if you were as bad as i am when you first started out hehe. i listen to your s**t, and it amazes me! i can only wish to one day have a shred of your talent. you're ridiculous dude, funny and cute. i hung a picture of you smiling in the bottom part of alex's locker because i'm too cheap to get my own. whenever i open it i smile back at you. if i ever met you, i would die of happiness, then resurrect and give you a giant hug. i'm going to get a stud in the middle of my lip in honor of you.

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hey these are my loves and loaths

alphabetical organization, art, batman belt buckles, black and white photos, chocolate milk, chucks, clouds, chilly whether, cornpops, crack nails, dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets, drumming, eyeliner, fireflies, glow sticks, graffiti art, hearts, hello kitty, joshie, keys, kraft dinner, lucy, mountain dew, music, pennies, photography, pokemon, puppies, rainbows, recklessness, the rev, skunk smell, squids, trampolines, unicorns.

do not want
assholes, being the center of attention/singled out, being tickled, crying, drugs, emo children, fakes, headaches, large groups, rap/hiphop.

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oi, i'm questing some stuff

my dream!
i'm questing my dream avatar... -w-
i really really need your help!

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approx. 176,839k

item list:
300 - Bat Eye Patch
3,900 - Kachina Clown Body Paint
7,751 - Nitemare Collar
24,788 - Fausto's Bottle 9th gen.
1,675 - Black Leather Belt
1,800 - X_X Blue Raving Goggles
122,245 - Bone Dragon Helm
9,131 - #603913 Complex Jacket
220 - Black Gloves
540 - Native American Moccasins
1,860 - Black Traveller Cap
205 - Black Skeleton Shirt
375 - Blue Nurse Skirt
4,150 - Egyptian Gold Anklet (left)
950 - White Tiger Pants

* A I R A D A C T L E : 2k, CoCo Inner Tube, Bat Eye Patch, Anti-Fashion Pink Anti-Accessory, Blue Strapless Bra!
* Xion Shreve : 30k!

thanks for taking a look, and thank you for your donations. (even 1 g would help me out)

eat wounded

eat wounded's avatar

Birthday: 11/20


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