By golly, it's information! [/hooray!]

[/ taps keyboard] Is this thing on? Okay!
Hello there random on-looker. Decided to stop by and find out something about little ol 'me? Why? Seriously, why? [/ Stare]
Okay creeper, well if this helps any little bit, here's a small chart for you: [/ tada!]

Name: Call me "Amee", "Ama", "Flower", heck, you can even call me "Ghost" or some derivation of it. Do not mind any of them.
Age: I'm a Twenty Something
Birthday: December 22.
Occupation: Artist by night, and a ordinary house plant by day
GBirthday: 04.09.2005. That means 13 years on Gaia. [/ Fanfare]

What's that? Not enough info for you? Fine ~ I'll tell you a bit more then.

Since I've always appreciated art and literature, I have been developing characters and stories for a personal side-project/series I hope to debut soon. But in my off time, I still enjoy sketching, roleplaying and playing games to keep my creativity flowing. I am a loose literate roleplayer + , but I won't say advanced literate ; That term seems to vary from person to person. It's all just for fun, really, and I'd much rather keep it that way ~

That should be enough for you I hope. If not, well then feel free to click that little link that says "Send Message". Or if that makes you feel too uncomfortable (Seriously, though? An uncomfortable stalker?), you can leave a message right over there.

T a - t a  f o r  n o w ,  d a r l i n g s ~ [/ heart]