important stuff!
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It's Me! Maddy! Yes, the alimghty strange, weird, mental, crazy and stupid one is back!! And I'm not wasting any time in my life!! I'm taking charge and not leaving anything behind!! well...apart from the spiders..
Anyways, talking about spiders gives me shivers, so we might just get of that topic!
I'm going to be celebrating my 19th birthday this year. Exciting ay.
If anyone has any questions or problems, you should all know, I'm here to listen and to help. I will always be ready to sit down and give you a cookie while we talk. So just keep that in mind. smile
Oh. And may I please ask, don't leave Junk mail in my comments, and don't send any of it to me, I don't want to waste my time having to read it all.
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it normalyy doesnt snow here but the past few years it has started to.
We are about to get a cold front and posible rain in the next 2 days.
Thats nice of her.^^