E p i c M e l t d o w n

E p i c M e l t d o w n 's avatar

Birthday: 09/20


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There is one thing all of us have in common
We've all been born and could die any minute. Nothing shows us that there is an afterlife.
And nothing proves that we simply rot away like the memories of our mortality. If you want people to mourn your death, you might as well tell them to mourn your birth too, both are inevitable.
This is in the back of our minds while we work our nine to five over a job we have no passion for. So we can buy nice things to push the cold thought away.
So when draw your last breath you well look back and see the things in your life where you could have
Lived to your full potential and really accomplish something worthwhile. . .
But instead you waste your life online.


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Mems The Fourth Report | 08/24/2009 7:51 pm
Mems The Fourth
Oh yeaaaah I did put that in there didn't I? I almost forgot sweatdrop
Mems The Fourth Report | 08/24/2009 7:47 pm
Mems The Fourth
Sure why not biggrin
redactednoname Report | 08/24/2009 7:47 pm
Bacon Rapist or Phil X3 it doesnt matter
redactednoname Report | 08/24/2009 7:37 pm
sure o: but i wont have yer sign till tmoro ><
redactednoname Report | 08/24/2009 7:35 pm
sorry not free sad but i do do sign for sign sumtimes <_< >_> <_< x3 if thats any better
redactednoname Report | 08/24/2009 7:30 pm
AHHH! STUPID ANGRY FACE D: sry --> X: tahts face i meant to put ><
redactednoname Report | 08/24/2009 7:30 pm
i make em mad
chukarbuds Report | 08/20/2009 2:16 pm
thanks much for buyin from me whee
Pez Proxy Report | 08/17/2009 4:09 pm
Pez Proxy
loves yah too
funnymoney r e t ro sound Report | 07/14/2009 10:15 am
funnymoney r e t ro sound
ooh haha they are entourage shades


What I am doing today?

Retrying gaia.