The project is for a high school statistics class. ^^ We had to come up with a claim before doing the 'experiment' and were supposed to take the stance of someone other than a student in the class. So my group and I chose to be visual art designers with the claim that more bright and colorful images would be more appealing to woman than dark ones. So far it's just fifty-fifty, so we'll have to see. 8D
Hey, friend. ^^ I just wanted to shoot you a quick thank you for taking the time to answer the question on my thread. If you've got any friends (or enemies xD) who may be interested in answering as well I'd be delighted if you'd pass along the link. Do have a fantastic night and thanks again!
I'm not particularly fond of threes, either, but I'm patient with them and in the long run they underestimate themselves. Fives are sweet and tender-hearted, if naive and bumbling, with fat little bellies and runny noses. Sixes are deviant but charming little coquettes, sevens are elegant and mysterious with very complicated senses of humor. Eights are gentle and compassionate, but too artistic and avant-guarde to really feel close to. Nines are jealous, scheming, and manipulative, but emotionally fragile and dependant. Twos are isolated and selfless Buddhists who everyone talks about but never really gets to know. Ones are infants and don't have set personalities. Tens are like the much older sibling who has gone away to college well before any of the others and so is out of the same circle.
Aaaand that's what my synaesthesia looks like. razz
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I can't believe that I don't have you here.
Tis Rina.
Would you mind signing a petition to revive the series? Thank you!
Contact me if you want to do more than just sign the petition.
Aaaand that's what my synaesthesia looks like. razz