Viewing kinonaru89's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


My name's Blue believe it or not.

Im 19 years old and soon to be 20 in June, yes I'm getting old.
Anyways, I'm in the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, majoring in Media arts and Animation. This is why I wont be on much but you may catch me from time to time.

I draw constantly for work or leisure, either way its my way of life. I absolutely love transformers and role playing and other various animes/cartoons. Drop me a PM and Ill reply eventually lol.

Blue Out!


Viewing 12 of 63 friends


I'm actually using this account!

I know its the end of the world but it's true. My friends are all on my case to use this so I did. Don't expect much from me though.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/07/2011 3:16 pm


Thanks for visiting my Store smile .

Report | 06/11/2009 9:09 pm


ew why is she commenting? o_0;;

Anyways HIII!!!!! =D Having any luck with commissions? Hope all is well and enjoy your summer break!!!! LATERZ~!

XOXO Lynn~!
Hey Porkchop

Report | 06/10/2009 9:14 am

Hey Porkchop

Dahling, you look FABULOUS.
Dustin C.

Report | 05/29/2009 1:21 pm

Dustin C.

How's the con going? And in case you didnt already guess, this is Dustin :p

Report | 05/14/2009 7:13 pm


Adorable sketch in your sig, welcome back to Gaia >3<

Report | 04/12/2009 2:33 pm


*glomp* X3 Your layout is awesome
David h5

Report | 03/30/2009 7:00 pm

David h5

awsome i need to upgrade mine but yours is just awsome

Report | 03/24/2009 10:10 pm


have I ever mentioned how much I ADORE your layout x3 heheheeh
Yasha Stonez

Report | 03/08/2009 7:53 pm

Yasha Stonez

kk, the quicker the better. ^^
Yasha Stonez

Report | 03/08/2009 7:43 pm

Yasha Stonez

a lots of noobs these days. just because I have a lot of items on my avi. Oh yea, What day during the summer, you want me to come. My so-called godmother will pay the plane ticket early.. since it cheap at the moment xD

