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-Toph Earth Princess-

-Toph Earth Princess-'s avatar

Birthday: 07/23


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Toph is an Earth Bender she only does stricked rp. She only does fighting rp so if you dont rp dont add her. She has a real myspace is you would prefer to rp with her there.

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raKnight Report | 04/29/2009 2:01 pm
Wow, now you're getting defensive. Yeah, right, I have no talent. Got it. I said your editing was bad. If it's bad, that doesn't mean I have to respect it or pity it and say it's awesome. I think you're used to that too much, to be complimented no matter what. I see that far too often, and it really takes away the effect of an honest compliment. If it was actually a good photo edit, I can see me liking it. But that was bad, so get that through your head and improve.
I come from a place where honest criticism is common, and I know that I'm bad. But I want to get better, and so I try. Getting defensive doesn't do anything but keep you in place, swimming in a circle.
Keneko_Kitty741 Report | 04/27/2009 5:50 pm
Wow. I was just trying to do my job. You can't expect people not to criticize you. That's the purpose of judging. If you don't want people to say harsh things, then don't post the "Artwork". And not only are you being immature and rude, but you are putting words into my mouth. You see, I never said that art is just paper and pencils. Do you know what art is? Art: Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature. The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium. Art is something that triggers something in the brain that causes you to feel like it is beautiful.
In other words, you cannot call me a B**** and a dumbf***, because of my opinion. I did not find your "art" beautiful or intriging to me in any way. Therefore, I do not consider it art. Art is not something that is made from pencil, or other untensils. Art is something made up of elements that someone finds beautiful and makes them think.
raKnight Report | 04/26/2009 1:38 am
There's a lot of stuff in the arena I don't agree with as well. I've seen stick figures, for crying out loud. Yet, if the arena says Drawing and Painting, I'd believe that to hold true. Perhaps if you drew the characters yourself, then sure, submit it. It's just a waste otherwise. I'd think the same of any other use posting off-subject items.
kaname2 Report | 04/22/2009 7:39 am
thanks for buying
have a nice day smile
Cosy Cosy Report | 04/13/2009 5:12 am
Cosy Cosy
Thank you for commenting on my photo. smile



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