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One Hit Wonder

Hello, first I would like to say thank you to who ever is reading this (: It takes me forever to wright about my self so I apologize if I'm not all that macho' like you see now a days [x Basics--> My name is Frances I'm a game-designer in the making, I live in NewYork- n' Yes, I am asian n' hispanic- shocking I know. I have Blue n' Green eyes. (it's a cat thing wink I enjoy photography n' drawing. I don’t like spiders or people that go 'Boo' x
I fear the world will end by eating,craving Zombies|:
John LutherKing n' Bob Marley are two big hero's in my life n' speaking of hero's- I love watching the show xD During my spare time I go to the comic,anime-book store's or I pig out at home x) I work a part-time Job at 'Sakura Media' n' at 'Stitches'- My friends and family are what make my world spin, music makes me sing and dance like a crazy person (in public Cx) I'm obsessed with BRIGHT colors n' pokemon. I really enjoy meeting new people n' talking randomly. Dont Fear SUPERMAN is here x) -->Lets get chatting<--

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Bob Marley-
"Who are You to JUDGE the life I live!?
I know I'm not Perfect.
and I don't live to be
But before you start pointing fingers.
Make sure your hands are clean first"

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iErika-INC Report | 06/23/2009 7:13 am
Why thank you, :] that means a lot.
So how have you been.

Again, sorry for the late reply. I'm gna try getting on as much as I can x)
W I S E x A S S Report | 06/10/2009 8:39 pm
W I S E x A S S
awesome tuuck 9; cann i have youu x)
iErika-INC Report | 05/15/2009 6:42 pm
Awwww, thank you.(:
Sorry that this is a VERY late reply, I don't really go on gaia as much. x)
Hi I'm Erika, and you are ?

Btw, that is an OLD picture of me, I just took a real quick shot; so there's a new one. Gay but whatever xD
ineptio Report | 04/25/2009 12:33 pm
it's always nice talking to new people
haha, england is nice, when it's not raining >_>

where abouts in the world are you? :O

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