Hiya! My username is XxAnilesxX as you can already see. Can you guess what my real name is? If you think about it, it'll all come to your mind. Here is a clue: it has something to do with my username. Pm your guess! Lol, i love random Pm's! (I LOVE everything that's random!) Ok enough about my name and all, I am asian! Yes asian and i'm proud to be one too! Vietnamese to be exact. My favorite hobbies are drawing and singing. My favorite animals are cats. They are just too cute to resist! I have two cats and one kitten. I don't really have a favorite movie or song, it's just too hard to pick between all of them! But what i do know is that my favorite kind of food is seafood (yum!) So anyways, i have a brother and sister, and a mom and dad. Also i have two favorite cousins. I am a Sagittarius and my birthday is 12/03 or December 3rd. If you wan to know more about me just check out my profile. Now i shall bid you goodbye.....until next time! Muahahaha!!! (no for real)
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