B's House


IVI Beyond Birthday IVI

IVI Beyond Birthday IVI's avatar

Birthday: 10/31


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So, you want to know about me...hunh..
My Name is Beyond Birthday...Also known as Rue Ryuzaki, B, or BB...
I prefer to speak with people of a higher intelect. People who act as vampires, Nekos, werewolves and such, Annoy me. I think the whole "cuteness" thing is over done..
Basically saying they need to take there "happy meter", and turn it down a few thousand notches.

I do infact have a blood/Gore fetish, and I enjoy seeing other people hurt, or being tortured...
And Yes, I am infact, a Bisexual. I do not see a problem with it, so atleast try and respect it.
If you annoy me, just to get you away, I'll most likely say..."I'm going to eat your insides, and use your blood as syrup for my pancakes."
Do not doubt, that I won't. It may be true.

I am aware of my age,and how young i am.
and if you are wondering, please just send me a private message. I do not care for text talk, it just annoys and confuses people.
If your going to speak with me, please talk in such a way that i could clearly understand what you are saying.
If I am to ever meet an "L" on gaia, I prefer you are smart enough, to atleast solve a collage quiz (as most of the people I know can.)(but, only if you are younger than 16....I allready know how smart seventeen yearolds are, these days.)
Indeed, I do originate from japan, but have lived in the united states most of my life. Since i lived there for so little time, I do not know much about my own culture. Do not ask if I will "transalte for you", I am one of many people who still know little of thier own language.
I tell People (or so called "n00bs") that i am twentySeven, so they will atleast respect what i have to say. but at this, it is a lie. I will tell you that I am infact under 19, and have a higher IQ than that of a medical doctors, or an investigator.
If you cannot respect that then I ask you to atleast, do me a favor and not speak to me.
I do not aprove of fighting, People call me a gentleman for this, but I am not, allthough my ways may seem gentlemanly, they are actions of mochary, if you look closely.
There is yet one specific thing I must say about myself. I DO NOT beleive in love. at all.
All emotions get in the way of All things. It is a fact of life..


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". . .I told you I would."



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