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Retro Love Machine

Retro Love Machine 's avatar


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Hey there random people viewing my profile.
Alright, I think it's about time I filled this section up. Some things you should know about me?

I'm a comic nerd.
I usually just get comics of the same character, good luck guessing who.

I'm a huge horror movie fan.
Yes, I love horror movies, especially the ones where they add in some comedy.

I am a gamer.
I play a shitload of games, I mean, a lot. Well, I've cut down a bit though.

I can be random, or I can be mature, just gotta get used to that.

I am usually pretty friendly and stuff. Also, I guess I should put a love and hate list based off my friend.

Oh, I love rock and metal music. I also love some classics as well.

I have a whole bunch of cosplays. Some of them?

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Yep this is all for now. Sorry.


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Pinkly Smooth - Noseferatu Does A Hefty Dance


I finally learned how to send pics from my cell to the comp. heres' me

Grin and bear it. Then laugh at the end.