Who Be Me?
Hey loves I'm known as Rave DeVour... sadly I'm just Taylor (so says my birthcertifricate). I'm pretty much known for having the theme song "Pretty Rave Girl" by X-Ray and "Living Dead GIrl" by Rob Zombie. along with some other things... not all of them good.Some Things You SHould Know About Me:
I make my own kandi,
my room consists of neon and glow in dark paint with a strobe light.
I have alot of really good friends
I am smarter than I look
I'm really a natural blonde..
I write
I read any book i find interesting
I swim whenever I can
I listen to techno, rock, hardcore, metal, death metal, etc (and always open for more)
I bite, they dont call me Vampire Girl for nothing
I trust only one person.
I have a devil teddy bear named Sex
I've love only a few people.
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And usually I haaaate the ones with names because(From what I've experienced at least) those are the ones that are all about PLUR and its in some building and its pretty much a club.
P.S., your ver pretty. :3
those never work and they're annoying