Tasi by JPG

LoudmouthedTasi's avatar

Birthday: 07/06



About yours truly!

Nickname: Loudmouth, Pink Pigtailed Pygmy, Brat
Occupation: Not a Team Rocket Grunt
Age: 16
Birthday: July 6
Gender: Female
Height: 5’0"
Weight: 100 lbs
Hair: Pink pigtails
Eyes: Faded Hazel.
Hometown: Camphreon City
Pokemon Specialty: None.
Areas of Expertise: Espionage and kleptomania.
Specialized Skills: Frugality, low-maintenance.
Physical Weaknesses: Although she's strong for her size, her frame gives her extreme limitations in that arena. Therefore, she relies mostly on mobility.
Hobbies: Eating, sleeping, mouthing off at potential targets
Favorite Saying: “Take what's not nailed down. If it is...that’s why we have teeth on hammers!"
Image Song: Katekyo Hitman Reborn - Poison Scorpion Bianchi
Episode Debut:

Personality and Appearance
Personality: When you look over Tasi’s career of petty theft, one may think ‘HEY SHE’S PERFECT FOR TEAM ROCKET.” In reality, she’s lazy and gluttonous by some standards, and tends to long jump the line from teasing to harassing.
However, she does still have something resembling a heart beating in her chest, and will reach out to those who are dealt a bad hand in life, even at her own expense

Body Type: Lean, scrawny, athletic, acrobatic
Hair Color: Peach-Pink
Eye Color: Faded Hazel
Style: Other than the rocket uniform, which she wears with a notable lack of pride (rarely straightened), she prefers anything light and athletic and functional. Screw appearances, as long as she can sneak around in it! This usually consists of an off-white shirt that’s a little too big for her, and a pair of torn up shorts.


Zubat L17
Type: Poison/Flying
Ability: Infiltrator
Moves: Supersonic/Whirlwind/Thief/Quick Attack

Rabble-Rouser was a bullied runt Pokemon in the wild. While Tasi will never admit it, she sympathized Rabble-Rouser's situation, mostly in the way of how they both were solitary by necessity rather than choice. Earning its trust by leaving whatever food she could spare with it, she soon offered her proverbial collar and leash to Tasi.

Tasi quickly found that Rabble-Rouser served as a great sentry, and she has been Tasi's constant companion as a lookout when she's doing not-so-legal activities. As Rabble-Rouser is her only Pokemon, she tends to be quite spoiled due to Tasi's focused attentions. Rabble-Rouser tends to be slow to trust anyone, but the first step is to get Tasi to trust the person first.

Due to habit, the first thing Rabble-Rouser does when being released from her Pokeball is find a good lookout spot. If she is not able to, she becomes bewildered.

"What's yours is mine, what's mine is mine!"