Viewing QuizzicalQuarks's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


QuizzicalQuarks's avatar

Greetings, fleshling

Hello! C: This is a super old account, and I am here to make friends, roleplay, and draw. c: Feel free to send me a DM, I won't usually bite c: Oh! I do get a lil anxious sometimes though, so if I am slow in responding, that is probably why. That or I am busy. c:

Art, writing, code and music are fun. C: Oh and video games. Too many games sometimes gahaha

(also I like writing horrible robot men too much send help)
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Credit for profile CSS (though I edited it a little): [Link] [Link]


Posts per Day: 0.95

Total Posts: 5343

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View All Comments

Mister Piggy Wiggy Report | 10/11/2024 9:53 am
Mister Piggy Wiggy

-Happily enjoys the treats-

Oink, be well!
Mister Piggy Wiggy Report | 10/04/2024 10:12 am
Mister Piggy Wiggy

-Leaves a basket filled with treats-
Mister Piggy Wiggy Report | 09/28/2024 8:00 pm
Mister Piggy Wiggy

Piggy hugs for you!
Mister Piggy Wiggy Report | 09/27/2024 11:00 am
Mister Piggy Wiggy
zzn0srap Report | 12/28/2023 9:36 pm
neat profile! Thanks again for the freebie. I credited you in my signature heart
Cosmic Space Orange Report | 11/23/2013 1:11 am
Cosmic Space Orange
*sneaks in* ninja
reality rejection Report | 11/04/2012 2:21 am
reality rejection
Hey so it says it's your birthday??? I don't know if we've talked or if we have and we've forgotten but hey happy birthday man.
honey chrysopal Report | 06/19/2011 8:45 pm
honey chrysopal
well i was skimming through profiles and saw yours and read your thing and decided 'hey, this person likes comments. why don't i comment theres?' so i did, Awesome avi!!!
No Eyes No Tears Report | 11/03/2010 10:03 pm
No Eyes No Tears
Happy birthday~!!! ^_^
No Eyes No Tears Report | 09/22/2010 6:02 am
No Eyes No Tears
cool avi


PWYW Art Shop
Art Linktree

DMs are open !
Am always looking for roleplays, especially if there are powers/magic/fantasy involved c:

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Art by Avellini

Times fatal wings do ever forwards fly, for every day we live, another day we die


-This persona is void-