
Hai der. Nice to meetcha, if you happen to be starin' at this here profile.

My name is Engill Vetur, which in English is 'Angel Winters'. Please don't call me Angel or Engill; I hate my name, so you can call me Vetur, or Winter if you prefer. If you really want to, then I guess you can call me Angel. Just don't make fun of the name, haters! >:c Know what? Screw it. Call me whatever the hell you want! :3 Angel, Winter, Engill, Vetur, Lavi, Alucard, I don't care~!

Wondering why I have a funny name? I'm Icelandic. ;D Íslenska fyrir heiminn! (But I do happen to live in the United States. I moved here.)

I'm a nineteen-year-old male. But if you mistake me for a girl, I won't get pissed at ya or anything. Psshh. Only pantie-waist pansies get irate over trivial s**t. talk2hand Actually, if you do mistake me for being female, I'll probably laugh. xD I'm a weirdo like that.

If I happen to be missing for a few days, it's because I work week days and over some if I have to. Yeah. I own a little family business, so things can get hectic. v_v;;

I am indeed Christian. I LOVE YOU JESUS CHRIST, AND I AM NOT AFRAID OF SHOUTING IT OUT TO THE WORLD!!! Virgin births FTW. Secretly, I am Jesus. Wait-- I just said that out loud?! Nah, I just pulling your leg. ;D

Erm. I like to draw. I do pencil and computer sketches. You want some, you gotta PM me. I might give you a freebie, depending on the extent of your request. :/ sorry i can't be more specific. It's easier to judge something when someone is asking.

I'ma currently single. I seem to have bad luck with relationships and I think it's because I'm being used for my money. D; Oh, and I'm pansexual. BUT, I prefer girls. :3

Oh yeah. This here be the person who typed this short little biography up:

User Image
User Image

You think he is sexy, then it makes him very happy. If not, you are titled to your opinion! ;p [/random third person] Both are edited using photobucket to make them look funny. I love it! xD


Now, About my avatar: [ a work in progress ]

Yes, it is indeed Alucard the vampire. You know, he eats people, kills vampires, shoots people into confetti... If you don't, then go fawkin' watch Hellsing, you newb! D8< It's epic and is a must-see.


Viewing 12 of 39 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Tussy Boy

Report | 01/14/2012 3:29 pm

Tussy Boy

Oh nice work! smile Mind if I add you? I'll let you know if I need some avi art, first off need to get some more money on here lol, find a avatar, and see if you have time and approve of doing it! mrgreen I suppose you have the same golden rule as most avi art drawers, try to limit the items so it's not so cluttered looking or w/e razz
Phantomhive Earl

Report | 01/12/2012 2:07 pm

Phantomhive Earl

Oh yes.
Leo Gaivus

Report | 01/10/2012 6:05 pm

Leo Gaivus

funny how things work that way, isn't it?
Tussy Boy

Report | 01/08/2012 7:52 pm

Tussy Boy

Nice avatar and profile, what all art do you do? smile mrgreen
Allen Neah Walker

Report | 01/08/2012 3:39 pm

Allen Neah Walker

Don't you dare to draw on my face again, Lavi!
Allen Neah Walker

Report | 01/08/2012 3:30 pm

Allen Neah Walker

Eh? W-we get alone. We are actually.. CLOSE.
Allen Neah Walker

Report | 01/08/2012 2:59 pm

Allen Neah Walker

Umm not really. [light blush]
Allen Neah Walker

Report | 01/08/2012 2:47 pm

Allen Neah Walker

[nods] Pfft! you had missed a lot while you were gone, Lavi.
Allen Neah Walker

Report | 01/08/2012 2:41 pm

Allen Neah Walker

Oh I see. A bookman never rest huh? [smiles]
Allen Neah Walker

Report | 01/08/2012 2:30 pm

Allen Neah Walker

Lavi, what happen to you? You being gone for quite a long time.


User Image Yes, that's me!
Name: Angel Winters
Sex: Oh yes! Male
Age: 20
Sexuality: Pansexual, bby ♥
Origin: Iceland~
Cosplay: Alucard

Avatar art? Yes, I do! Want some, PM me~