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x_XJessica_ShayX_x's avatar

Birthday: 10/03

Pleasnt or unpleasnt

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A Jewish Christmas Report | 07/10/2010 1:21 am
A Jewish Christmas
I made one just for you ^_^ I missed you so damn much
A Jewish Christmas Report | 07/08/2010 11:20 pm
A Jewish Christmas
Ohhhh YAY I at least know your okay I've been so worried!!!! I miss you sooo much
A Jewish Christmas Report | 07/02/2010 11:18 pm
A Jewish Christmas
I miss you so so so so much!!!
A Jewish Christmas Report | 06/26/2010 10:31 pm
A Jewish Christmas
I miss you sad
Fuclc Report | 06/01/2010 10:46 pm
Hey this is lilizarr aka izurr
pinkpowder mewmew Report | 05/22/2010 5:32 pm
pinkpowder mewmew
cool avatar sis.havent seen you in awile,i realy miss you,come down soon pls.

lylangie Report | 05/15/2010 7:21 am
thx luv i like urz 2 smile
lylangie Report | 05/14/2010 5:56 pm
lylangie Report | 05/13/2010 5:22 pm
datz luvly smile
lylangie Report | 05/13/2010 2:52 am
o well try tlkn 2 ur friend
& aww :>

Equipped List

It's Me Ya Mii Friend Or Ya Aint ;)

But select what you will. Read it all if you want Mostly Pictures

Im 16. Im blunt. I dont take a lot of s**t. I do not like to fight. Im in love with my GurlFriend! My favorite color is green for so many diffrent reasons.. Im not your avrage joe.. Im Diffrent, My Nick name is {BlowPop} *[Better than most]* My best fran is Rose AKA* Lollipop. Ill beat someones a** for messin wit family. You'll love me. So Add Me!!!

Judge me
&& Ill prove you wrong.
Tell me what to do
&& Ill tell you off
Say im not worth it
&&Watch where i end up
Call me a b***h
&&ill show you one
[******** me over
&&ill do it twice as bad
Call me crazy
&&ill jus laugh

If you believe in Jesus Christ put this in your profile. DON'T JUST IGNORE THIS because in The Bible it says if you deny Him, He will deny you in front of His Father in the Gates of Heaven. This is the simplest test: If you love God and you are not ashamed of it, copy this and put it in your profile. God will smile at you

More so than anyone or anything else, I play yourself for falling so hard for My ex in the first place. It's hard for Me to let people in when I did, things didn't exactly work out. Now I'm more angry than anything about the break up and wouldn't waste one tear on Mii ex!

Libra-The Lover
Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone They meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique sexiness. Most caring person you will ever meet! not the kind of person you wanna #### with... u might end up crying... the most irresistible

Not only can you be majorly depressed at times, you also tend to be quite moody maybe even irritable. You can switch back in forth without giving any one any notice. Way to go you crazy person. You are too much for any one person to handle, including yourself. Why don’t you just pick a mood and go with it.

Me in New Orleans! =] That guys it reallll like no joke!!

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Tis me Muh hair is a mess

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Mii Favorite picture of me

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ABORTION IS WRONG MONTH ONE:Mommy,I am only 4 inches long,but I have all my organs.I love the sound of your voice.The sound of your heart beatis my favorite lullaby.MONTH TWO:Mommy,Today I learned how to suck mythumb.If you could see me,you could definitely tell that I ama baby.I'm not big enough to surviveoutside my home, though.It is so nice and warm in here.MONTH THREE:You know what, Mommy?I'm a boy!!I hope that makes you happy.I always want you to be happy.I don't like it when you cry.You sound so sad.It makes me sad, too,and I cry with you even thoughyou can't hear me.MONTH FOUR:Mommy,my hair is starting to grow.It is very short and fine,but I will have a lot of it.I spend a lot of my time exercising.I can turn my head and curl myfingers and toesand stretch my arms and legs.I am becoming quite good at it, too.MONTH FIVE:You went to the doctor today.Mommy, he lied to you.He said that I'm not a baby.I am a baby, Mommy... your baby.I think and feel.Mommy, what's abortion?MONTH SIX:I can hear that doctor again.I don't like him.He seems cold and heartless.Something is intruding my home.The doctor called it a needle.Mommy what is it? It burns!Please make him stop!I can't get away from it!Mommy! HELP me!MONTH SEVENMommy,I am okay.I am in Jesus' arms.He is holding me.He told me about abortion.Why didn't you want me, Mommy?EVERY ABORTION IS JUST...One more heart that was stopped.Two more eyes that will never see.Two more hands that will nevertouch.Two more legs that will never run.One more mouth that will never speak.If you're against abortion, put thisin your profile

Amzing Song LISTEN

I love this song XD


If ♥♥ You♥♥ Really ♥♥ Love ♥♥ Someone ♥♥ Right ♥♥ Now ♥♥ And ♥♥ You ♥♥ Really ♥♥ Want ♥♥ To ♥♥ Be ♥♥ With ♥♥ Them ♥♥ Forever ♥♥ Put ♥♥ This ♥♥ On ♥♥ Your ♥♥ Page ♥♥98% of teenagers say "I Love You"and don't mean it. If you are one of the 2% that does, then copy and paste this in your profile♥

''If you love something let it go. If it comes back to you, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was, and it's not meant to be.''