

You'll Never Understand


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/04/2013 12:18 am


Yup accounting, felt like I didn't learn much, since almost everyday was reading, reading, reading and work on problem exercises. Oh, that's good emotion_yatta most accounting majors are quiet emotion_kirakira

For a Real Estate Salesperson/Agent License you only need 3 class (2 required and 1 non-required). Im working on getting all of my RE Broker classes (8 classes) done [Broker license needs Salesperson/agent license, 2yr of work experience, and pass the broker exam). I think I need 2 more classes to get an AA/AS in Real Estate. I believe there are different requirements for each state.

I'm studying for the final as well, but my semester ends on Dec 12, are your classes 16 week?

Just so much to do near the end of the semester and so little time emotion_0A0

AutoCAD for architecture is killing me because its so time consuming compared to drafting with a pencil, but I think I'll manage. Got to get that done and present my house and floor plan Monday~

Good Luck on your finals emotion_brofist

Report | 11/09/2013 10:27 pm


Remember remember the 5th of November? How can I remember what has gone into the past, so fast, speeding pass, into the vast, performing endless task, at last we have past what will not last.

My major is creative writing emotion_awesome . Just kidding it was in accounting.

But I'm going back to community college to work on my Real Estate classes. For a Real Estate license.
How are you doing? I got a few projects to do. Cant believe my semester will end in less than 5 weeks emotion_yatta , but so much to do within them emotion_0A0

Report | 10/31/2013 8:35 pm


Yeah same here, been busy with class projects/homework and architecture project. I stayed home passing out candy and watching V for Vendetta. Sounds like a good plan, you should get one of those half gallon ice cream emotion_omnomnom , they taste better than McD's.

Report | 10/27/2013 10:38 pm


How have you been? planning anything for Halloween?

Report | 10/21/2013 5:46 pm


Nice Halloween costume emotion_c8

Report | 10/05/2013 12:31 pm


i live in an apartment with three other roommates :] i like it so far. i don't miss the dorms much. but it's a far walk haha
it's getting a bit colder now that it's fall whee

Report | 10/05/2013 12:30 pm


HAHAH i don't know! it used to be a chore to log in but i've recently gotten into it.
and i think i'm gonna have bad grades this semester.. lol oh well haha

Report | 10/03/2013 10:11 pm


aw i wish i was like that @__@; i've gotten addicted to gaia DX HAHAA.
and i've been good ^__^ i have my own apartment (with 3 other roommates) and its really fun!
i hope school isnt too hard for you

Report | 09/20/2013 10:37 am



Report | 08/15/2013 2:19 pm


your avatar is so cute girl <333 and your eyeliner is on point ;D <3