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Awesome Commento~

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Kurtsmom Report | 08/05/2009 7:48 am
Happy Birthday!!
Udjat1234 Report | 07/04/2008 8:44 pm
Udjat1234 Report | 07/03/2008 9:10 pm


I wanna draw
KoriTenshi Report | 07/01/2008 10:39 pm
Send me messages lol. Come online some more, kay?.
Udjat1234 Report | 07/01/2008 7:41 pm
Udjat1234 Report | 06/30/2008 10:12 pm
Thank You! You're so thought ful User Image I have to go. A2 wants to use the computer. I'll call you later Byesies!
Udjat1234 Report | 06/30/2008 10:03 pm
It won't be the same without Great Aunt Camilla, but with time, we'll get used to it. It's sad but I'll make it. Her funeral's tommorrow.
Udjat1234 Report | 06/30/2008 9:58 pm
YAY! and that's why we never eat Trader Joe's Ice cream!
Udjat1234 Report | 06/30/2008 9:43 pm
YAY! it's a shame i'll have to


YOU BET I FORGOT! BTW I told my mom and she's excited she'll call later because we have to go to our Great -Aunt's funeral

91 years old! That's really old!!!!
Udjat1234 Report | 06/30/2008 9:37 pm
YES! I wonder how the comp tastes like

I haven't eaten in hours!


~*Cookies&Cream*~ II

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ALL my computer drawings. <3

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Don't hate me because I'm bueatiful...

This is a little about me, if you don't want to read it. I will eat your feet. Moving on...

My name is TLB, and I will rule the world. If you happen to know my cousin KoriTenshi, we are exact opposites. Well, we have SOME things similar, but the person that is alike with be the most. Is Kazuma15 or something like that. For one, I am not a neat person, at all. I mean, I will clean after a while, but I am not a neat-freak. AT ALL. I also have no siblings, nor do I have any pets. ;-; Never did, so if I did say I had some. I lied. I am a very nice person, so people say. I randomly donate to people, and never get what I donate back. But somehow I am still fairly wealthy.

I am a very fidgety person, and I can never stick with one look, or have the same look for too long. (Except hair, in real life I have pretty much kept the same hairstyle all my life, and I barely change my avatar hair frequently either.) My father is sick, and he is kind of a bum. He has dementia, and sometimes I wonder if he really knows who I am. But it's ok, cause I am a very optimist person, and I always believe their is always a way. Except death. You can't be death, but I am going to try really hard to find that out one day.

Also, I have alot to say always. But I have alisp and sometimes my brain processes things to fast that I forget what to say, such I studder alot. So whenever someone disses me It always takes a while for me to think of something, so people would make fun of me for it. That's one of the reason I hated my old school. Because everybody made fun of me for all the little things that I do abnormally from them, cause you see... I like to stand out, always. So I never did anything the same as anyone else, I float on my own boat. And for a while, I could not accept myself.

But I have changed and now, I feel better about my self-esteem.

Anyway I talk to much >.> Here is my current dream avi:

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Total Value: 23,110 Gold, 40,500 Tickets
[Item Information]

Item List:
Ahhrr! Hat Midnight
Black Sleeveless Silk Top
Black Polka Dotted Inner Tube
Elegant Feathered Mask (White Pinions)
Joker Collar white-black
Hook Hand
Long Drag
Black Catscratch Pants
White Wool Top
Alice's Ivory Boots
Enchanted Strings
Black Gloves

Donations are loved, but we all know in the end who is going to get it for me.ME, and that's the way I like it! cool

My Blog <3

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If only we could be free...

If you have a chance...Take it..It might not always be there. This journal is for me to nag and such...And to let my creativity side get the best of me.

The living book

This is my family =3