
The Past is gone, long behind us. All that we once knew has burned to ash, broken beyond repair. So we are left with one choice, to keep walking. Never look back, just keep walking. Walk till your feet bleed and refuse to move another inch, keep walking. Because as long as we keep on walking we are bound to find something better than all of this. Just as long as we keep walking...

I would really appreciate it if yall would help me get this avi.

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Total Value: 7,756,397 Gold
After Exclusions: 4,660,949 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Shadowlegend 4th Gen.
Those 70s White Pants
Black Cross Belts
Inari's Beads
Inari's Beads
Electric Sparks
Fremere's Guard
King of Fruits
King of Fruits
Nefarious Plumage
Compass of Seidh 6th Gen
Shadowlegend 7th Gen.
Seracila Pendant 11th Gen.
Compass of Seidh 10th Gen
Limit Breaker


Viewing 12 of 54 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 11/09/2021 8:58 am


boom flashback. Happy Birthday! razz

Report | 11/05/2012 2:25 pm


Hey, happy birthday smile hope it's a great day for you.
ll__Sweet Bliss__ll

Report | 06/20/2012 3:24 pm

ll__Sweet Bliss__ll

i guess.....im just going to be tired as s**t thou with everything going to be going on...its going to be like blehh .-.
ll__Sweet Bliss__ll

Report | 06/09/2012 9:25 am

ll__Sweet Bliss__ll

K ik how to spell bachelor just I accidentally pressed the post button
ll__Sweet Bliss__ll

Report | 06/09/2012 9:24 am

ll__Sweet Bliss__ll

Right now its stuck between bacholer and getting a masters in art
ll__Sweet Bliss__ll

Report | 05/19/2012 7:22 pm

ll__Sweet Bliss__ll

Ik u dont go to college u got work and stuffwe both know whut that is) but yeah I decided Im gonna go community college for awhileif plan A-B dont work) and transfer later
ll__Sweet Bliss__ll

Report | 05/14/2012 10:17 pm

ll__Sweet Bliss__ll

Busy studying, dance, umm chilling with my bf when he has time and u know the gettin ready for college stuff that Ill probably end up not even going to college
ll__Sweet Bliss__ll

Report | 04/30/2012 8:52 pm

ll__Sweet Bliss__ll

i didn't know i couldn't ask you how you been doing....it's a reasonable question....js
ll__Sweet Bliss__ll

Report | 04/08/2012 8:44 pm

ll__Sweet Bliss__ll


Report | 03/16/2012 7:44 pm


ohhhmyyygoooooodddd your on


It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.