Hey, my name's actualy Kaylie (KEI-lee), but y'all can call me Kat. Um...about me? I'm hyper, I like tasty food (yay curry!), I'm spazy and random, I can be content one minute and depressed the next. I like yaoi and slash, and if you don't...well that's not my problem really- just don't make it mine. I'm sensitive, and I want to become a writer/voice actor. I procrastinate, my room's a mess, and I babble. If I don't make sense just smile and nod. I love my friends to the point of being obsessive and possesive, I hate my enemies to nearly the same degree. Don''t like it? Move on, I don't wanna deal with that.
Weirdo Life
I don't update much anymore, you'll have to go to dA for that. This journal s like a houseplant: I take care of it when I remember to.
On quasi-Hiatus
(Meaning I'll come and go as I damn well please.)
My Faerie
Fairy Color: Ruby
...also, I LOST THE GAME!
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