C r a z a a y x3

C r a z a a y x3's avatar

Birthday: 03/06

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read, fool. I know you're a stalker.

Hello, there. Amused with my icons? I thought you might be. ;D. So I guess I'm supposed to talk about me now... Well.. *ahem*. Gather 'round for a tale, kiddies. When my mommy and daddy fell in love..magic happened. And -poof- I came along. You may call me ..... My gaian username for now. =D. My sister (xx__toxiic kiisses) came before me, but I'm just as important, right? Anyway, as a baby, I sucked my thumb... >.> Shut up. I was also extremelt quiet and shy. As you can see, I've grown out of that shiz. Well, my childhood (so far xP) was basically me defining and retoning my personality. It grew from shy, to a person who would steal chocolate from Toy 'R Us. (I didn't really do that...As far as you know. >;D) I'm the loud one of my group of friends. I am also in a special academy that is like advanced advanced classes, showing how smart I am.~ Did you notice my modesty? Anyway, my group of friends are considered the quiet, 'nerdy' group. But everyone is nerdy in the academy. Does that make us extra nerdy...? Anyway, we sit across from the popular table and watch how the 'its' communitcate. We often imitate their loud laughter. They stare at us strangly. We giggle and whisper. Yes. Battle of the cliques. I also have another group of friends I hang out with in Math. Advanced advanced math. ;P. They're hilarous and my math teacher glares at us because we laugh at something that happened last week. (God Bless you. You're still reading this.) I'm more spontaneous around them, then I am with my quiet, 'nerdy' friends. Whoa. I wrote too much. Uhm..My personality nowadays is varied. When I'm feeling gloomy, I have a tendency off acting 'emo.' But I don't cut myself. I just exclude everyone except myself. When I'm happy, I end to act like I'm on crack and cackle like a witch. But, I'm not crazy!
I have a really good quality to myself (The one I think is the best.) which is to keep a secret and take it to my grave. I'm fantastic at that, and am currently holding 3 secrets at the moment.

The Song That Best Describes Me Now


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BelleFlower Report | 12/18/2009 4:40 pm
Well some people who can draw (not me!) upload their drawings. Other upload poems and stories. I upload mainly pictures that I've PhotoShopped. I <3 PS. And people can comment on your stuff. It's like Youtube, but for words and pictures, if that makes any sense at all...
BelleFlower Report | 12/18/2009 4:13 pm
Awww, but it's fun!!
BelleFlower Report | 12/18/2009 4:10 pm
Very fun! I bought a copy of the book and I show it to everyone lol. I love computer graphics. Do you have a DA account?
BelleFlower Report | 12/18/2009 3:57 pm
I designed a book cover once! The book was being sold on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.com, but not anymore. Guess it didn't sell that well. X_X;;
BelleFlower Report | 12/18/2009 3:23 pm
Mmm, well, good luck! And remember, don't judge a book by it's cover, because Ghostgirl was awful and it had one of the coolest covers ever. -nods wisely-
BelleFlower Report | 12/18/2009 3:05 pm
Oooh, have you read The Hunger Games? Or Uglies? Or how about Wake? Actually, I'm not sure if Wake is 150 pages, but it's still a good book! XD
BelleFlower Report | 12/18/2009 2:13 pm
Aww, thank you. ^_^ Christmas is the bomb! I don't like Gaia's Christmas event this year, though. Can't they just make their own items for themselves? I just don't understand why they want to take our stuff. Oh well. I still <3 Gaia.
BelleFlower Report | 12/18/2009 7:27 am
Oh, nothing much. Failed all my college classes. Lost my scholarship. The usual, lol. But I'm excited for Christmas!
BelleFlower Report | 12/17/2009 5:23 pm
Heyyy girly! What's up?? And merry Christmas!! Almost, lol.
KeepCalmDoee Report | 12/11/2009 7:56 pm
Haha ok biggrin