
LittleKittyKatryna's avatar

Birthday: 12/04


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T and M_forever Report | 05/30/2011 12:03 pm
T and M_forever
sigh ok tia
T and M_forever Report | 05/29/2011 8:52 pm
T and M_forever
tia if u want to talk to me then pm me.
T and M_forever Report | 05/27/2011 6:04 pm
T and M_forever
welling to change for me? ya, if i see it ill go back out with her. if somehow she can prove she really does love me isnt just trying to play with me or half likes me.
T and M_forever Report | 05/27/2011 8:17 am
T and M_forever
well im sorry but that wont happen. agen, she hurt me like no other have. shes always treated everyone better then me. when she was friends with sarah she even agreed with me. she would make fun of me infront of my friends to get respect. im sorry but no. im not takking her back. and a few freinds of mine would kick my a** if i did. because they even see that we were never ment to be. she can try, i might change my mind idk, but im pretty sure ill never be taking her back. idc if she wants to be friends, im fine with that, even best friends but nothing more.
T and M_forever Report | 05/26/2011 8:33 pm
T and M_forever
look, idc anymore ok?
she hurt me. she hurt me, REALLY bad. more then anyone ever has. i truely, truely loved tia. i loved her more then my own family witch kinda scared me. and she cheated on dont know how that feels. oh, and im just sapost to drop it like nothing happend. how, the, hell, am i sapost to do that? and if i get reasons why i think she cheated on me, theres NOTHING wrong with that. so, goodbye now!
T and M_forever Report | 05/26/2011 8:22 pm
T and M_forever
and dont say the bs shes been saying. like, she was really missed up back then. that doesnt matter. she CHEATED on me. shes lucky i didnt dump her the MOMENT i found out. oh, and i have 100% not to ever trust her agen. witch i wont.
T and M_forever Report | 05/26/2011 8:20 pm
T and M_forever
i did forgive her, but that doesnt mean i can TRUST her. if you want to make me feel bad then get what i did right, witch iv really done nothing wrong here. i didnt trust her, she ignored me for a week while i was trying to help her, i just COULDNT take it anymore so i broke up with her. and if i some how lost her trust, thats her fault. because iv done nothing wrong. and if she did cheat on me that means she really doesnt, give a rats a** about me! it doesnt matter with who, or how long, it matters that she did and iv been trying to hid that feeling but fact is fact. she cheated on me. despite all the ******** s**t iv done for her she just didnt give a ******** about me enough.
T and M_forever Report | 05/26/2011 1:31 pm
T and M_forever
its also good to see tia has a good friend. to bad its only on gaia...
T and M_forever Report | 05/26/2011 1:14 pm
T and M_forever
and i wouldnt talk bad about her, i wouldnt do that. what SHE needs to do is truely quit gaia, get out there make true friends that are just NICE to her. @_@ she thinks she cant but she can and thats what she needs. now, stop talking to me, u said what u had to now let me live my life. if ud like to be friends thats ok but i dought u want to cuz of tia.
T and M_forever Report | 05/26/2011 1:02 pm
T and M_forever
ohhh that promise. well, i keeped geting more and more reasons why to think she was cheating. and she really did once so i think that would be why. and like i said, trust takes years to build, seconds to destroy and forever to fix. and she destroyed it. lol idc if you ppl hate me at all XD i got a new life, moving in a few days and im very happy now. and accourding to her friends, shes with chris. and dont say shes not crazy about gaia cuz she is.




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