
Hi There,I See you've stumbled upon My internetual layer of Random Capitalization and Artistic non-sense, So come right in and Have some Cyber-Mint Tea and Chocolate Iced Soy with cherries and Lets have a Chat, shall we?

My Name's Rebecca Jayde, But you can call me anything But. I'm almost thirteen, And I'm 100% Rainbow-tastic. No, Fer Reals, I'm Like a Bag of skittles.
I've never been in a relationship with a girl that lives within my vicinity, because I'm Young, and Everybody here is straight. Except Connor, But he's a guy. here's basically my track record;; Im 11/12;She's 12/13 I'm 12;She's 15/16; I'm 12/13;She's 14/15. Apparently I like older women.

I'm a total indie whore, Tegan and Sara And The Postal Service being the first bands I Was ever a fan of(I was 5/6). I've Been to one Concert that I'm not somewhat Ashamed of, Tegan and Sara's Sainthood tour.
My Ideal future is making enough money to go and Live in Stockholm, Sweden and Go to Konstfack School of Arts there, Meet a pretty girl, and loose about 96 pounds. I'm Struggling to decide between Graphic Arts or Fine Arts. D: I Dont know;;
I am working for my dreams, even if they last a Moment. I am falling in love every time I Turn my head. I am Learning that life is hard, and you just gotta get over it. Nothings fair, who cares? Every little thing becomes part of your story, not just the monumental moments, the little ones too.