Viewing Dragonspun's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


I think Gaia is very cool. I'm in my 30s and playing it, so it must be cool, right? wink I love almost all things blue and my hobbies include writing, reading, gaming, and watching movies. smile I have a large wishlist on Gaia, but I have no intention of spamming forums to get the items, so I will likely be seen on Zomg a lot. smile Happy Gaming!


Viewing 12 of 21 friends


My Journal

I have no idea yet, just testing this out.


Viewing 4 of 4 comments.

Ryoko Rosa

Report | 01/05/2012 7:20 pm

Ryoko Rosa

=D Welcome back to the world of Gaia.... Even though I'm not really on all the time... I'm usually on just for music...Sorry...but maybe I'll get into being on Gaia again, because your on!!!
Ryoko Rosa

Report | 10/05/2007 3:30 pm

Ryoko Rosa

Don't do that. ><

Its A lie! There was a girl spamming on my pro so I just went with it. And I finnaly know it was spamming so..ya.
Alucard 109

Report | 08/06/2007 10:00 am

Alucard 109

i miss you to
Ryoko Rosa

Report | 07/09/2007 7:08 pm

Ryoko Rosa

*Hugs* I Like to see ya again some time. User Image


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