
My name is Jessica, some people call me Jessii smile
I practicaly live off of anime. I've watched 1089 episodes of anime this year alone!
Im 16 years old. I have a veriety of music, I like Techno, Heavy Metal, Screamo, Indie, J-Pop, but I don't like country (Suprise, Suprise) I speak Japanes and I am hoping to learn Latin. You may think Im insane, but most people do. If you don't think I am, then you don't know me that well smile
I don't believe in love as much as others, and probably never will. I also really hate babies.... I know, Im mean sad
I draw manga and not to brag but Im really good. I don't have any of my drawings up but there will be some soon.
Thanks for reading - Jessii

Well, this is my profile, I know it's boring, Let's just hope Im not smile